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HTML | DOM Ol Object

The DOM Ol Object is used to represent the HTML <ol> element . The ol element is accessed by getElementById(). To read more about lists check HTML | Lists




Where “id” is the ID assigned to the “ol” tag. Example-1: 

        h1 {
            color: green;
         DOM Ol Object
        Ordered Lists
    <!--  Assigning id to 'ol' tag.  -->
    <ol id="GFG">
    <button onclick="Geeks()">Submit</button>
        function Geeks() {
            //  Accessing ol tag
            //  and  starts with 101.
            var g = document.getElementById("GFG");
            g.start = "100";

Output: Before Clicking On button:


After Clicking On Button:


Example-2 : Ol Object can be created by using the document.createElement method. 

        h1 {
            color: green;
         DOM Ol Object
    <button onclick="Geeks()">Submit</button>
        function Geeks() {
            //  Creating 'ol' object
            var g = document.createElement("OL");
            g.setAttribute("id", "GFG");
            var x = document.createElement("LI");
            var y = document.createTextNode("geeks");
            var w = document.createElement("LI");
            var f = document.createTextNode("sudo");

Output : Before Clicking On Button:


After Clicking On Button:


Supported Browsers: The browser supported by DOM Ol Object are listed below:

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