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HTML | DOM Abbreviation Object

The DOM Abbreviation Object is used to represent the HTML <abbr> element. The abbreviation element is accessed by getElementById().

Example 1: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
            HTML DOM Abbreviation Object
            function myGeeks() {
                var abbr = document.getElementById("sudo").title;
                document.getElementById("geeks").innerHTML = abbr;
        <h2>DOM Abbreviation Object</h2>
        <abbr id = "sudo" title="GeeksforGeeks">
        <button onclick = "myGeeks()">
        <p id = "geeks"></p>


Before click on the button:


After click on the button:


Example 2: Abbreviation Object can be created by using the document.createElement Method. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
            HTML DOM Abbreviation Object
        <!-- script for creating Abbreviation Object -->
            function myGeeks() {
                var w = document.createElement("ABBR");
                var f = document.createTextNode("GFG");
                w.setAttribute("title", "GeeksforGeeks");
        <h2>DOM Abbreviation Object</h2>
        <button onclick = "myGeeks()">
        <p id = "sudo"></p>


Before Click on the button:


After click on the button:


Supported Browsers: The browser supported by DOM Abbreviation Object are listed below:

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