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HTML <b> Tag

The <b> tag in HTML is for making text bold without adding extra importance. Text within <b> displays in a bold style. It’s a container tag with an opening, content, and closing. It’s similar to<strong>, which highlights text for importance, but <b> doesn’t add significance, just makes text appear bold. 

As per the HTML5 specification, the <b> tag should be used as a last option to resort to when no other tag is more appropriate. The HTML5 specification states that headings should be depicted by the <h1> to <h6> tags, for emphasized text, it must be depicted by the <em> tag & similar, and the important text by the <strong> tag, & for marked/highlighted text, it should be denoted with the <mark> tag.



Accepted Attributes

This is a Global attribute, Event Attributes, and can be used on any HTML element.

Note: We can bold the text by using the font-weight: bold; property in CSS.

Example 1: This simple code example illustrates highlighting the text by making it bold text in HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h3>HTML b tag</h3>
        A <b>Computer Science portal</b> for geeks.
        It contains well written, well thought and
        well explained <b>computer science and
            programming articles.</b>


Example 2: In this example, we have used the <b> tag & <p> tag to illustrate the difference in the text appearance & their sizes.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h3>HTML b tag</h3>
    <!--paragraph Tag -->
    <p>This is normal paragraph Tag text</p>
    <!--bold Tag -->
    <b>This is bold Tag text</b>


Example 3: In this example, we have used the CSS font-weight property whose value is set to bold to make the text bold.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h3>HTML b tag</h3>
    <!--paragraph Tag -->
    <p>This is normal paragraph Tag text</p>
    <!--Using CSS in paragraph Tag
        for making text bold  -->
    <p style="font-weight: bold">
        This is bold text using CSS


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