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How To Write CI/CD Pipeline Using GitLab?

In this article, we’ll learn how to create a CI/CD pipeline using Gitlab. We’ll use the Website version provided by Gitlab at to avoid any problems with system requirements. We’ll create the CI/CD pipeline to automate the whole manual process of building, testing, and deploying an application every time there is a bug fix or a new feature is added to it After this tutorial you’ll be able to create your own CI/CD pipeline according to your own project need.

What is GitLab?

GitLab is a DevOps software that helps developers work together on code at the same time, store and manage the code by developers and the whole team, help to keep track of the code changes, etc. Developers get many features for every stage of a development cycle.

What is the CI/CD Pipeline?

CI stands for Continues Integration and CD stands for Continuous delivery/Continues Deployment, it is a software development method that is continuous, which means continuously building, testing, deploying, and tracking changes in a code. And CI/CD pipeline refers to the steps or series of steps that help automate the whole CI/CD process to create software.


What we’ll do?

We’ll create a CI/CD pipeline for a website, which will execute automatically whenever changes are merged in the main branch, and then the website will go through 3 stages – build, test, and deploy and will go through the defined rules.

CI/CD Pipeline Using GitLab

Step 1: Create your Gitlab account from We’ll use the Website version, but you can also install Gitlab on your machine. Please refer the official guide to check the system requirements and installation methods as per your OS need.

Step 2: Now you have to check if you have runners or not. Runners run the CI/CD jobs. If you are using the Gitlab website then go and check in Settings -> CI/CD and then click on the ‘Expand’ beside the Runners option and check if any of the present Instance runners are active, they will have green circle beside them.

If you are using it locally, you’ll need to install the Runners and register it.

Available Runner on

Step 3: First you need to create a project in your Gitlab or just import a project from your GitHub. If you have already made project, then use that. In this tutorial I’ll import a project from GitHub which is a website. For that

Create New Project window

Import Options

Successfully Imported Project from Github

Step 4: Now open the project.

Project Window

Step 5: Now Create a new ‘.gitlab-ci.yml’ file by clicking on the ‘+’ icon below the project name as shown in image and then Click on ‘New file’. Remember it’s important to create this file in root folder.

select ‘New File’ to create a new file

Step 6: Now give the file name ‘.gitlab-ci.yml’. From here the main part starts.

naming file

Step 7: Now we to define the CI/CD jobs. Let’s understand what we have to write in CI/CD configuration file to create a CI/CD pipeline.

Now we’ll move step by step or we can say stage by stage for creating the file.

Build Stage: To create build folder of the website

image: node
stage: build
- npm install
- npm run build
- "dist/"

Test stage: To test the updated/created website

stage: test
dependencies: []
- npm install --save-dev htmlhint
- npx htmlhint "dist/**/*.html"

Deploy stage: To deploy website

stage: deploy
image: busybox
- build-job
- mv dist/ public/
- "public/"

Step 8: Above we had created the full CI/CD configuration file, but it has duplications, and we also want that when the user mergers the applied changes to the main branch then only deploy the website. So this is the final version of the file.

# .gitlab-ci.yml

- build
- test
- deploy

image: node

- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'

image: node
- .standard-rules
stage: build
- npm install
- npm run build
- "dist/"

- .standard-rules
stage: test
dependencies: []
- npm install --save-dev htmlhint
- npx htmlhint "dist/**/*.html"

stage: deploy
image: busybox
- build-job
- mv dist/ public/
- "public/"

Step 9: Now to save the file, write a commit message which is present at the end of the page, select the main branch and then Commit the changes.

Step 10: Now go to Build -> Pipelines to check for pipeline details as they would have been triggered because of merging the changes in the project.

Click on Pipeline

Step 11: There you will see your pipeline status, id and stages and on which stage it’s on currently.

pipeline status

Step 12: When you will click on the pipeline id starting with #, it will send you to the visual representation page of pipeline with jobs.

Visual Representation of pipeline

Step 13: You can click on each job to check the process, also when completed all will be marked green.

All the jobs completed successfully.

Now you have successfully created the CI/CD pipeline using Gitlab.


In this whole article we saw on how to create CI/CD pipeline in Gitlab to build, test and deploy a website. The automated process saves a lot of time when compared to manual process and reduces the chances of deploying a buggy application. Whenever there are committed and merged changes in the project/Software the pipeline runs. With this tutorial you got the basics with example on how this pipeline works and how to create that, now you just need to explore more in the Gitlab documentation to know more.

CI/CD Pipeline Using GitLab – FAQ’s

Can I apply CI/CD pipeline in any Software Project?

Yes, you can apply CI/CD pipeline in any software project regardless of its size as it can be customized according to its project size.

Is CI/CD pipeline beneficial?

Yes, it’s highly beneficial as it automates the manual tasks which reduces the full time to create a whole software and faster delivery of features.

Is Gitlab only platform to create CI/CD pipeline?

No, while GitLab is famous choice, there are many platforms out there which provides similar functionality, and some can be integrated with other software to get this functionality like GitHub, AZURE DevOps, Jenkins, GitKraken etc.

Does Gitlab provides local installation ?

Yes, Gitlab provides both cloud and local installation. If you want limited functionalities, you can use it freely or don’t want the tension to manage own server, then use which is the online version. But if you think you have better resources in your local Machine and its cost effective then surely install that on your machine.

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