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How to Use typedef for a Union in C?

In C, typedef is used to give an existing type an alias or a new name. In this article, we will learn how to create a typedef for a union in C.

Use the typedef union in C

We can define a union and create an alias for it using the typedef keyword which we will be able to use in place of that union name.


For defining the union and creating a typedef simultaneously use:

typedef union UnionName {
// Member declaration
} TypedefName;

For defining the union first, then creating a typedef use:

union UnionName {
// Member declaration
typedef union UnionName TypedefName;

C Program to Create an Alias Using typedef for a union

The below program demonstrates the use typedef keyword to create a typedef for a union in C.

// C program to create typedef for union
#include <stdio.h>
// Defining a union named MyUnion with three members
union MyUnion {
    int integer;
    float floating_point;
    char character;
// Creating a typedef for the union
typedef union MyUnion MyUnion;
int main()
    MyUnion data; // Declaring a variable of type MyUnion
    // Assigning printing the values to the member of the
    // union
    data.integer = 100;
    data.floating_point = 5.14;
    data.character = 'A';
    // printing the values to the member of the union
    printf("Integer value: %d\n", data.integer);
    printf("Floating-point value: %.2f\n",
    printf("Character value: %c\n", data.character);
    return 0;

Integer value: 1084521025
Floating-point value: 5.14
Character value: A

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