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How To Use AWS Lambda Layers for Code Reuse and Organization?

AWS lambda is an AWS service that works with Serverless Architecture, The infrastructure management is automatically managed by the AWS. It facilitates the developers to focus on the Code development completely. AWS Lambda Layers extends the core functionalities of the AWS Lambda functions through an efficient approach for managing dependencies and reusability of code. Mainly lambda layers allow the users to separate and externalize the dependencies making the efficient code organization bringing develop enhancement in the workflow.

What are AWS Lambda Layers?

AWS Lambda Layers is a distribution mechanism for libraries, custom runtimes, and other function dependencies. Layers can be used to separate different components of an application,  By separating these components, you can reuse the same code (in the form of layers) across multiple AWS lambda functions or even other AWS accounts.

For instance, we can separate our business logic and the application dependencies, so that our application will look organized, the common codes (layers) can be reused across other lambda functions, and we can even share the layers of other lambda functions which require the same dependencies.

Advantages of AWS Lambda Layers

1. Code Reusability

2. Custom Binaries/Libraries Support

3. Versioning

4. Speed of Deployment

Challenges of AWS Lambda Layers

1. Dependency Coordination

2. Learning Curve

3. Versioning Precision Struggle

4. Integration Challenges

Guidelines for Effective Usage of AWS Lambda Layer

The following are steps for effective Usage of AWS Lambda Layers to streamline the code management, simplify the deployment and enhance the resuability of shared resources across multiple lambda functions

Step 1: Create a Lambda Layer

Step 2: Publish the Layer Version

Step 3: Adding Layer to Lambda Function

Step 4: Configuring the Lambda Function

Step 5: Deploy the Lambda Function

Step 6 – Test the Lambda Function

Step 7: Update Layer Version ( Optional )

Step 8: Managing the Layer Permissions

Layers And Layer Versions



Layer Versions


AWS Layers are meant sharing Packages, Libraries and Codes

AWS Layer Versions are meant for specifying the versions of a layer with containing its code or dependencies


These are attached to the lambda functions

These are also attached to the lambda functions but controlled with version specification.


It helps in reusability of Code and Dependencies

It allow reusage of specific versions of a layer for providing consistent behaviour


Updation of content of the Layer is possible

Updation of specific versions of Layers can be done independently


It follows centralized managementers is a distribution mechanism for libraries, custom runtimes, and other function dependencies. Layers can be used to separate different components of an application,  By separating these components, you can reuse the same code (in the form of layers) across multiple lambda functions or even other AWS accounts.

For instance, we can separate our business logic and the application dependencies, so that our application will look organized, the common codes (layers) can be reused across other lambda functions, and we can even share the layers of other lambda functions which require the same dependencies.

It follows granular control over different versions for better control

Cost Implications

These are commonly shared across multiple functions

It shares only needed versions for cost Optimization


It has the flexibility in management of shared resources

It offers specific version controls and rollback options

Usage of Lambda Layers for Code Reuse and Organization

As discussed above, using Lambda Layers allows for code reuse and better organization by separating reusable code from function-specific code. Here In this section you are going to learn how to separate the dependencies of a Python application into layers and reuse it in other functions, and share it with other accounts as well.

Step by Step Implementation to Create a Lambda Layer for Python Application

The following steps of implementation to create a lambda layer for the dependencies of the Python application.

Step 1: Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv myvenv

Step 2: Activate the virtual environment

source myenv/bin/activate

Step 3: Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

To know about automating the installation of dependencies in python, please refer the article – Automating Installation of python libraries

Step 4: Package the dependencies

After running the above command, The dependencies will be installed in myvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages directory, here we need to package those dependencies inside the python directory so that they can be used inside the lambda function.

create a new directory with the name python, copy the dependencies to this directory, then compress this directory using the below command.

zip -r python/ 

Step 5: Creating AWS Lambda Layer

Step 6: Usage of Lambda Layer in Multiple Lambda Functions

After creating the layer successfully, you can now use them in any layer, to add any layer follow the below steps.

Now you can use any dependency in the layer, and you can reuse the same layer in multiple functions.

Sharing Layer with other Accounts

We can share the lambda layer with specific accounts/organizations or even you can make the layer public, using Serverless Application Repository. 

As of now we can share layers using CLI only, run the below command to share the layer with all users (public).

aws lambda add-layer-version-permission
--layer-name dependencies_layer
--version-number 1
--statement-id ShareLayertoPublic
--principal "*"
--action lambda:GetLayerVersion

Using Shared Layer

You can use the shared layer ARN directly to use in the lambda function.

AWS Lambda Layers Configurations and Permissions

Configuration Of Lambda Layers

Step 1: Creating Lambda Layer Archive

Step 2: Publishing the Lambda Layer to AWS Lambda

Step 3: Attaching the Lambda Layer to the Lambda Function

Permissions of Lambda Layers

Step 4: Create an IAM Policy for the Lambda Layer

Step 5: Attaching the IAM Role to the Lambda Function

Step 6: Granting Public Access to the Lambda Layer ( Optional )

Step 7: Verification of Configuration


In summarizing the enhancement of AWS Lambda Layers usage provides better code reusability in organization as a highly effective strategy. Management of command code and its dependencies into Lambda layers helping the developers facilitate an efficient deployment process by reducing the size of individual functional packages. It supports simple maintenance of updates to improve operational efficiency and promote a modular approach in a structured way. It contributes more scalable and manageable serverless architecture on the AWS Lambda platforms.

AWS Lambda Layer Usage-FAQs

What’s The Main Purpose Of AWS Lambda Layers?

Lambda Layers provides efficient code reusability by sharing the common dependencies across multiple Lambda Functions to improve efficiency and organization.

How Do Lambda Layers Reduce Size Of The Deployment Functional Package?

The maintenance of command code and dependencies separately and sharing them as per needs with other lambda functions, It reduces the size of the deployment packages.

Can Lambda Layers Manage Different Versions Of Shared Code?

Yes. Through Version supporting features lambda layers provide precise control and rollback options for maintaining consistent behavior.

What Considerations Are Crucial For Maintaining Lambda Layers?

Keeping the Lambda layers small and Organizing regular updates are some of the crucial considerations for maintaining Lambda layers for improvements and security patches.

How Do Lambda Layers Enhance Collaboration Among Development Teams?

Lambda Layers enhances collaboration among development teams by providing a centralized repository and efficient shared resources across different functions. 

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