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Amazon Web Services – Identities

When you will create your AWS account by submitting your credentials(e.g. email id, credit card/debit card details) it is called a root user account. The root user has access to all AWS services and resources in the account. Hence, Identity Access Management(IAM) system helps root users to create different users with limited permissions or access to resources.

IAM identities

IAM Users : 

  1. Programmatic Access: In this, you will be given an access key ID and secret access key which will be provided when the IAM user is created by the root user. An IAM user signs in using Command Line Interface(CLI) with the provided access key ID and secret access key.
  2. AWS Management Console access: It is easy-to-access through a web-based portal. Here you will be given an account ID, name, and password which will be provided by the root user while creating the IAM user sign-in using the name, account ID, and password to the AWS management console. Here you can add up to 10 managed policies(size up to 6,144 characters).

Steps to create an IAM user :

IAM User

Give username and choose an access type

give permissions or attach policies to the user

IAM User is created successfully

IAM Groups : 

Steps to create IAM group :

Create IAM group

Give group name

attach policies to the group

IAM  group created successfully

user added to the group

IAM Roles :

  1. Inline policies : User policy (size up to 2,048 characters). Role policy (size up to 10,240 characters). Group policy(size up to 5,120 characters)
  2. Managed policy: You can add 10 managed policy (size up to 6,144 characters).

Steps to create IAM Role :

IAM Roles

select EC2 service

Attach S3 storage full access policy to the role

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