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How to remove all line breaks from a string using JavaScript?

Line breaks in strings vary from platform to platform, but the most common ones are the following:

There are two methods to accomplish this task. One of the ways is by using a traditional programming loop and visiting every character one at a time. Another is using Regular Expressions.

Methods to Remove All Line Breaks from a String:

Method 1: Using JavaScript slice and stitch methods

It is the basic way to realize the solution to this problem. Visit each character of the string and slice them in such a way that it removes the newline and carriage return characters.

Code snippet:

let newstr = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
if (!(str[i] == "\n" || str[i] == "\r"))
newstr += str[i];

All this code snippet does is just copy all the characters that are not “newline” or “carriage return” to another variable. However, there are a lot of overheads in this solution, and therefore not an optimal way to remove newlines.

Example: This example shows the removal of all line breaks from the given string.

// Input string
str = "Hello \nWelcome \nto \nGeeksForGeeks"
// Display Input string
// Function to remove line breaks
function remove_linebreaks_ss(str) {
    let newstr = "";
    // Looop and traverse string
    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
        if (!(str[i] == "\n" || str[i] == "\r"))
            newstr += str[i];
    console.log("new string : "+newstr);
// Function call

new string : Hello Welcome to GeeksForGeeks

Method 2: Using JavaScript RegEx with replace() method

Regular Expression:

This method uses regular expressions to detect and replace newlines in the string. It is fed into replace function along with a string to replace with, which in our case is an empty string.

String.replace( regex / substr, replace with )

The regular expression to cover all types of newlines is


As you can see that this regex has covered all cases separated by the | operator. This can be reduced to


where g and m are for global and multiline flags.

The best part is that this method performed almost 10 times better than the previous one.

Example: This example shows the removal of all line breaks from the given string.

// Input string
str = "Hello \nWelcome\nto\nGeeksForGeeks";
//Display Input string
// Regular Expression
function remove_linebreaks(str) {
    return str.replace(/[\r\n]+/gm, " ");
function removeNewLines() {
    let sample_str = str;
    // For printing time taken on console.
    console.log("nwe String: "+remove_linebreaks(str));

nwe String: Hello  Welcome to GeeksForGeeks

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