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JavaScript string replace() Method

In JavaScript, the replace() method is used to search for a specified substring in a string, and then replace it with another substring.

The replace() method does not change the original string.

replace() Method Syntax: 

str.replace(value1, value2);

Return Values:

It returns a new string with replaced items.

String replace() Method Example: 

Below is an example of the string.replace() Method. 

let string = 'GeeksForGeeks';
let newstring = string.replace('GeeksForGeeks', 'GfG');



String replace() Method Example: 

Here the contents of the string GeeksForGeeks will be replaced with gfg. 

// Assigning a string
let string = 'GeeksForGeeks is a CS portal';
// Calling replace() method
let newstring = string.replace(/GeeksForGeeks/, 'gfg');
// Printing replaced string

gfg is a CS portal


String replace() Method Example: 

Below is an example of the string.replace() Method. 

// Taking a regular expression
let re = /GeeksForGeeks/;
// Taking a string as input
let string = 'GeeksForGeeks is a CS portal';
// Calling replace() method to replace
// GeeksForGeeks from string with gfg
let newstring = string.replace(re, 'gfg');
// Printing new string with replaced items

gfg is a CS portal


We can also replace the same words at multiple places in a string. It is known as a global replacement.

String replace() Method Example: 

This example explains replacing of various similar words in a string.

// Assigning a string
let string = 'GeeksForGeeks is a CS portal.' +
    'In GeeksForGeeks we can learn multiple languages.' +
    'geeksForGeeks is a great place.';
// Calling replace() method
let newstring = string.replace(/GeeksForGeeks/g, 'Gfg');
// Printing replaced string

Gfg is a CS portal.In Gfg we can learn multiple languages.geeksForGeeks is a great place.


JavaScript string replace() Method – UseCase:

1. JavaScript String replaceAll() Method

The Javascript replaceAll() method returns a new string after replacing all the matches of a string with a specified string or a regular expression. The original string is left unchanged after this operation.

2. How to replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript ?

To replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript, you can use the replace() method with a regular expression and the g flag.

We have a complete list of Javascript string methods, to check those please go through this Javascript String Complete reference article.

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