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How to Install MongoDB Bi Connector on MacOS?

MongoDB BI connector is a  connector for business intelligence that allows you to fabricate different queries using SQL which can be used to envision your data in a more sophisticated way. MongoDB Bi is more advanced than traditional business tools which work only with tabular or flat data. The MongoDB connector for BI however stores no data. It simply serves the purpose of bridging your business tools with MongoDB clusters. In this article, we will learn how to install MongoDB Bi Connector on MacOS. 

Installing MongoDB Bi Connector on MacOS 

Before we begin the installation of MongoDB Bi Connector on our mac, we need to have OpenSSL already installed on our system. OpenSSL can be easily installed using HomeBrew. If you already have Homebrew installed on your mac, head over to the next step. However, if you do not have HomeBrew installed, head over to this article to install Homebrew on your mac.

Following are the steps: 

Step 1: To install OpenSSL, start your terminal by pressing command ⌘ + space and type terminal. Once the terminal is opened, run the below command and press Enter. Type your password as shown in the image below.

Run Command: 

/usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”

brew update

brew install openssl


Step 2: Now we can move towards the installation of the MongoDB Bi connector. To be able to do so, we first need to download the MongoDB connector for BI. You can download it from this link. Once you are on the download page, select your preferences and press “Download”.


Step 3: After pressing download, fill in the necessary details and proceed.

Step 4: Once the file is downloaded,  we need to extract the .tar archive. To extract the .tar file, open your terminal and run the below command. 

Run Command: 

tar -xvzf mongodb-bi-osx-x86_64-{version}.tgz


Step 5: After extracting, we need to install the programs contained within the bin folder into a directory that is listed in the PATH of your system. To do so, run the below command, 

Run Command: 

sudo install -m755 bin/mongo* /usr/local/bin/


Step 6: You have successfully installed the MongoDB Bi connector. To start the MongoDB Bi connector, we can run mongosqld as hosted service or start mongosqld from your terminal


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