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How to Install jekyll-seo-tag?

Jekyll is a static site generator that is used to generate awesome websites, with minimal coding. Jekyll provides templates, on which you could replace the values of your need, and get started with your website. Jekyll is generally, used to create blog websites, with minimum effort, and maximum reach. We just understood that templates reduce the efforts to a minimum, but what about Search Engine Optimisation(SEO), which in turn refers to the maximum possible reach of a website? With no worries, Jekyll helps in SEO and also increases the chances of a website ranking in google search results. Jekyll provides jekyll-seo-tag, which is used for SEO purposes. In this article, we will learn how to install a jekyll-seo-tag

Features of Jekyll-seo-tag

Installation of the Jekyll-SEO-tag 

As, we are learning the installation of Jekyll tags, so we are assuming that Jekyll and Ruby have already been installed on your machine. The below image shows the standard file management(layout) of a Jekyll static site generator. 


Step 1: Go to the Gemfile, under group :jekyll_plugind do, add gem ‘jekyll-seo-tag’


Step 2: Then, go to the _config.yml file, under plugins: add – jekyll-seo-tag


Step 3: Now, under the _layouts section, go to default.html. Inside the head tag, add {% seo %}. We could remove any extra meta tags if already added, as the SEO meta tags will be added by the jekyll-seo-tag itself. 


Step 4: Under the blog folder, click on index.html. We can declare variables here, which tell about the layout, title name, description, and image to be added under the meta tags of the website. 


Step 5: To verify whether Jekyll-seo-tag, has successfully been installed, run the code, and you will see that Jekyll itself, adds, the title, meta tags, and JSON code to the system for better rankings in google by SEO

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