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How to Download and Install Xshell 7 Personal on Windows?

SSH1, SSH2, SFTP, TELNET, RLOGIN, and SERIAL are all supported by the potent terminal emulator Xshell. With a performance that is unmatched in the industry, Xshell offers a variety of features and benefits that are unique among SSH clients. Xshell 7 now has additional features that make managing your sessions even simpler. Features such as a Jump Host Proxy, Script Recording, Tab Manager, Remote File Manager, and more. Additionally, users may use essential tools from within Xshell’s Local Shell without disrupting their workflow thanks to support for CMD, Powershell, and WSL.

System Requirements

Steps to Install Xshell 7 Personal on Windows

Step 1: Search for Xshell for Windows on Google. Search Xshell for Windows and click on the second link. (Free for personal use)


Step 2: Fill up the details. Fill up your name and email id in the given space.


After filling in the information and submission, this will be displayed.


Step 3: Check the Email for the download link. The email address will receive a link for the download.


On clicking on the link received, you will be redirected to a new tab showing that your installation file is being downloaded.


Step 4: Install the file. After downloading the .exe file, open it. On opening it, it will display an installation window for Xshell 7 Personal. Click on Next.


Step 5: Agreement Acceptance. Accept the agreement and click on Next.


Step 6: Selection of destination folder. Choose the destination location for installation and click on Next.


Step 7: Selection of program folder. Select any program folder for the Xshell 7 Personal and click on Install.


It will show loading as Setup Status.


The software is now installed. It will be automatically launched after installation. 


We will test the Installed software by giving some commands.


It is working fine.

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