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How to Download and Install QGIS on MacOS?

QGIS is computer software and its full form is Quantum Geographic Information System which is made specially to work with satellite images. It is completely free software and due to this reason, it is highly used in geographically related fields to edit geospatial data. It is open-source software and can be used on different operating systems like macOS, Windows, Linux, etc. It was launched initially in 2002. This software is built using different programming languages like C++, Qt, and Python. It is used to draw different important features on different layers like many beds, turf, trees, roadways, etc.

Installing QGIS on MacOS

To install QGIS on MacOS follow the below steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website using the URL in any web browser. 

Step 2: Click on the Download Now button.

Step 3: Next web screen open now click on QGIS macOS Installer Version 3.10 to start downloading.

Step 4: Now check for the installer file in the downloads folder in your system and open it.

Step 5: New screen will appear for the terms and conditions, click on Agree button.

Step 6: Now hold and drag the file into Applications for installing it.

Step 7: Now check for the file in the Applications and run it.

Step 9: Interface is initialized and is ready to use.

Congratulations!! At this point, you have successfully installed QGIS on your macOS.

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