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How to detect operating system on the client machine using JavaScript ?

To detect the operating system on the client machine, one can simply use navigator.appVersion or navigator.userAgent property. The Navigator appVersion property is a read-only property and it returns a string that represents the version information of the browser. 



Example 1: This example uses the navigator.appVersion property to display the operating system name. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to detect operating system on the
        client machine using JavaScript ?
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;">GeeksforGeeks</h1>
    <button ondblclick="operatingSytem()">
        Return Operating System Name
    <p id="OS"></p>
    <!-- Script to display the OS name -->
        function operatingSytem() {
            let OSName = "Unknown OS";
            if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win") != -1) OSName = "Windows";
            if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1) OSName = "MacOS";
            if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("X11") != -1) OSName = "UNIX";
            if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Linux") != -1) OSName = "Linux";
            // Display the OS name
            document.getElementById("OS").innerHTML = OSName;


Before Click on the Button:


After Click on the Button:


Example 2: This example uses the navigator.appVersion property to display all the properties of the client machine. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to detect operating system on the
        client machine using JavaScript ?
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green;">GeeksforGeeks</h1>
    <button ondblclick="version()">
        Return OS Version
    <p id="OS"></p>
    <!-- Script to return OS details -->
        function version() {
            let os = navigator.appVersion;
            // Display the OS details
            document.getElementById("OS").innerHTML = os;


Before Click on the Button:


After Click on the Button:

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