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How To Deploy Dashboard UI On A Kubernetes Cluster Locally ?

Docker Desktop is easily the most popular containerization software for developers and teams. But Docker Desktop would not only allow you to play with containers but can enable you to use Kubernetes without downloading any external cluster like Minikube. Docker Desktop is a secure, out-of-the-box containerization software that offers developers a robust, hybrid toolkit to build, share, and run applications anywhere. You can also use Docker Desktop to enable Kubernetes in your local machine and you can have a Kubernetes cluster running in your local machine with just a click of a button. In this article, we will discuss how to deploy Dashboard UI on Kubernetes Cluster locally using Docker Desktop.

How to Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard UI – Tutorial

Step 1: Installing Docker Desktop

You can skip this step if you already have Docker Desktop installed in your local machines. You you haven’t downloaded Docker Desktop, go to “” and download Docker Desktop. You can then simply install it from the setup.

Step 2: Enabling Kubernetes

Step 3: Working On Terminal


kubectl get all

Step 4: Adding Components

kubectl apply -f

Step 5. Creating And Applying Configuration File

 New-Item -Path "./dashboard-adminuser.yaml" -ItemType "file"
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: admin-user
namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
kubectl apply -f dashboard-adminuser.yaml

Step 6: Adding A New User

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user

Step 7: Accessing The Dashboard

kubectl proxy

Step 8: Browsing The Dashboard UI



Docker Desktop is a secure, out of the box containerization software that offers developers a robust, hybrid toolkit to build, share, and run applications anywhere. You can also use Docker Desktop to enable Kubernetes in your local machine and you can have a Kubernetes cluster running in your local machine with just a click of a button. In this tutorial we discussed the process of deploying the Kubernetes Dashboard UI in our cluster using Docker Desktop. Make sure to follow through the tutorial to get a better understanding on deploying Kubernetes Dashboard UI. Make sure to follow other articles on GeeksforGeeks to know about more tools in DevOps.

Docker Desktop – FAQ’s

What Are The Prerequisites Before Learning Docker Desktop?

You should have fundamental knowledge of Docker and containerization before learning about Docker Desktop.

What Are Alternatives To Docker Desktop For Creating Kubernetes Clusters?

Following are the alternatives to Docker Desktop for creating Kubernetes Clusters:

  1. KinD
  2. Minikube
  3. Kubeadm
  4. Kubespray
  5. Kops

Is Docker Desktop Same As Docker Engine?

No, Docker Desktop is an application that uses Docker Engine and also other technologies, and has a lot of features like GUI, CLI as well. While Docker Engine is a core technology of Docker Desktop used for building and containerizing applications.

Can Docker Run Without Internet?

Yes, Docker can run without Internet. But most of the Docker features requires an active internet connection.

Is Docker Desktop Free To Use?

For Students, individual professionals or a small company with less than 250 employees, Docker Desktop is free. But for a larger company it requires a paid subscription depending on their needs.

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