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How to Define a Move Constructor in C++?

In C++, we have a move constructor which is a part of C++11 move semantics and is used to handle resources for temporary and rvalue objects. In this article, we will learn how to write a move constructor in C++.

How to Write Move Constructor in C++?

The move constructor is defined similarly to a copy constructor, but it takes an rvalue reference (Type&&) to the object’s class type as its parameter. To define a move constructor in C++ use the below syntax:

Syntax to Define Move Constructor in C++

className(className&& source) noexcept;


C++ Program to Define Move Constructor

The below example shows how can we write a move constructor and use it in C++.

// C++ program to declare move constructor
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Move Class
class moveClass {
    // Declaring the raw pointer
    int* p;
    // Default Constructor
    moveClass(int d)
        // Declaring object in the heap
        p = new int;
        *p = d;
        cout << "Default Constructor is called for " << d
             << endl;
    // Move Constructor
    moveClass(moveClass&& source)
        : p{ source.p }
        cout << "Move Constructor is called for "
             << *source.p << endl;
        source.p = nullptr;
    // Destructor
        cout << "Destructor invoked!\n";
        // Free up the memory assigned to
        // The data member of the object
        delete p;
int main()
    // Vector of Move Class
    vector<moveClass> vec;
    // Inserting Object of Move Class
    vec.push_back(moveClass{ 10 });
    return 0;

Default Constructor is called for 10
Move Constructor is called for 10
Destructor invoked!
Destructor invoked!

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