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How to Customize AppCompat EditText in Android?

The EditText is one of the important UI element which takes the data as input from the user. The usual EditText in Android which looks decent enough has only the hint text and line which makes the user click on that line and insert the data. Refer to the article EditText widget in Android using Java with Examples, which explains basics about the normal AppCompat EditText. In this article, it’s been discussed how to customize the AppCompat EditText. Have a look at the following image to differentiate between the usual non-customized AppCompat EditText and the customized AppCompat EditText.

Steps to customize the AppCompat EditText in Android

Step 1: Create an empty Activity Project

Step 2: Working with the activity_main.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <!--E-mail field-->
            android:hint="Email" />
        <!--Password field-->
            android:hint="Password" />

Output UI:

Step 3: Import vector icons

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <!--the icon turns to green when the edit text is in focus-->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_mail_focused" android:state_focused="true" />
    <!--the icon turns to grey when the edit text is out of focus-->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_mail" android:state_focused="false" />

First, the EditText with the cut-cornered layout is discussed

Step 1: Create a Selector layout background for the EditText

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <!--the outline box turns to green when the edit text is in focus-->
    <item android:state_enabled="true" android:state_focused="true">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@android:color/white" />
            <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="@color/colorPrimary" />
    <!--the outline box turns to grey when the edit text is out of focus-->
    <item android:state_enabled="true">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@android:color/white" />
            <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="@android:color/darker_gray" />

Step 2: Working with the activity_main.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <!--invoke the background as the 
            android:paddingEnd="12dp" />
        <!--same background for the password field 
            as the custom_edit_text_cut-->
            android:paddingEnd="12dp" />

Output: Run on Emulator

Second, the EditText with the round-cornered layout is discussed

Step 1: Create a Selector layout background for the EditText

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <!--The outline turns to colorPrimary when the EditText is in focus-->
    <item android:state_enabled="true" android:state_focused="true">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@android:color/white" />
            <corners android:radius="12dp" />
            <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="@color/colorPrimary" />
    <!--The outline turns to grey when the EditText is out of focus-->
    <item android:state_enabled="true">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@android:color/white" />
            <corners android:radius="12dp" />
            <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="@android:color/darker_gray" />

Step 2: Working with the activity_main.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <!--invoke the background as the 
            android:paddingEnd="12dp" />
        <!--same background for the password field 
            as the custom_edit_text_rounded-->
            android:paddingEnd="12dp" />

Output: Run on Emulator

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