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How to Convert String to JSON in TypeScript ?

Converting a string to JSON is essential for working with data received from APIs, storing complex data structures, and serializing objects for transmission.

Below are the approaches to converting string to JSON in TypeScript:

Convert String to JSON Using JSON.parse()

In this approach, we will make use of JSON.parse() function which parses a JSON string and converts it into a JavaScript object. It takes a single argument, which is a valid JSON-formatted string.


JSON.parse( string, function(optional) )

Example: The below code will explain the use of the JSON.parse() method to convert a string in JSON.

const jsonString: string =
        "name": "GeeksforGeeks", 
        "est": "2009", 
        "CEO": "Sandeep Jain"

const jsonObject = 



name: "GeeksforGeeks",
est: "2009",
CEO: "Sandeep Jain"
name: "GeeksforGeeks"

Convert String to JSON Using eval()

In this approach, we will use eval() function which is a global function in JavaScript that evaluates a string of JavaScript code in the context from which it's called.



Example: The below code provides the implementation to convert string to JSON using eval().

const jsonString: string = `{
    "name": "GFG", 
    "est": 2009, 
    "type": "EdTech"
const jsonObject = 
    eval('(' + jsonString + ')');


name: 'GFG',
est: 2009,
type: 'EdTech'

Convert String to JSON Using Function Constructor

In this approach, we will use Function() constructor which creates a function that returns a Javascript Object parsed to it.

Example: The below code example implements the Function() constructor which returns the Javascript Object.

const jsonString: string = `{
    "Platform": "GeeksforGeeks", 
    "type": "EdTech"
const jsonObject =
    new Function('return ' + jsonString)();



Platform: 'GeeksforGeeks',
type: 'EdTech'

Using JSON.parse() with reviver function for date parsing

In this approach we are using JSON.parse() with a custom reviver function. The function examines each key-value pair during parsing, enabling specific transformations, such as converting date strings to Date objects, before returning the parsed JSON object.

Example: In this example we parses a JSON string, converting the "foundedDate" property to a Date object using a reviver function. It then logs the "name" property and checks if "foundedDate" is a Date.

const jsonStringWithDate: string = `{
    "name": "GeeksforGeeks",
    "foundedDate": "2009-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

const jsonObjectWithDate = JSON.parse(jsonStringWithDate, (key, value) => {
    if (key === 'foundedDate') {
        return new Date(value);
    return value;

console.log(jsonObjectWithDate.foundedDate instanceof Date); 


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