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How to Convert a String to enum in TypeScript?

In TypeScript, an enum is a type of class that is mainly used to store the constant variables with numerical and string-type values. In this article, we will learn, how we can convert a string into an enum using TypeScript.

These are the two approaches that can be used to solve it:

Using custom mapping

In this approach, we will define an enum initialized with string values and then map through each item to compare them with a string and return the matching enum value to convert the string into an enum.

Example: The below example will explain how you can convert a string into an enum using custom mapping.

enum GFG {
    name = "GeeksforGeeks",
    desc = "A Computer Science portal."

// Function to convert string into enum
function convertStrToEnum(convertingStr: string):
    GFG | string {
    switch (convertingStr) {
        case "GeeksforGeeks":
        case "A Computer Science portal.":
            return GFG.desc;
            return `Pass either "${}" or "${GFG.desc}" 
            as testing string to the function`;

console.log(convertStrToEnum("A Computer Science portal."));


Pass either "GeeksforGeeks" or "A Computer Science portal." as testing string to the function
A Computer Science portal.

Using the keyof and typeof operators together

The keyof and the typeof operators can together be used to convert an string into an enum in TypeScript.


const variable_name: keyof typeof enum_name = value;

Example: The below example will explain the use of the keyof and typeof operators to convert a string into an enum.

enum GFG {
    name = 25,
    desc = 56

// Converting string to enum
const myStr: keyof typeof GFG = 'name';
const myStr1: keyof typeof GFG = 'desc';

// It prints 25, as the string is now converted
// to the value of first constant of enum

// It prints 56, as the string is now converted
// to the value of second constant of enum



Using type assertion

In this method, we will convert a string to an enum by using the unknown type assertion at the time of conversion.


const variable_name1: string = value_as_enum_key_as_string;
const variable_name2 = variable_name1 as unknown as enum_name;

Example: The below code example illustrate the type assertion approach to convert a string into enum using TypeScript.

enum GFG {
    num1 = 28,
    num2 = 56,
    num3 = 84

// Assigning enum values to 
// string type variables
const str1: string = 'num1';
const str2: string = 'num2';
const str3: string = 'num3';

// Converting String into enum
const str1ToEnum = str1 as unknown as GFG;
const str2ToEnum = str2 as unknown as GFG;
const str3ToEnum = str3 as unknown as GFG;




Using a generic function

In this approach, we'll create a generic function that ensures type safety during the conversion of a string to an enum. The function checks if the provided string matches any of the enum values and returns the corresponding enum value or a message indicating the valid options.


function convertStrToEnum<T extends keyof typeof enum_name>(convertingStr: string): enum_name | 
string {
// Implementation

Example: The following example demonstrates the usage of a generic function approach to convert a string into an enum.

enum GFG {
    name = "GeeksforGeeks",
    desc = "A Computer Science portal."

// Generic function to convert string into enum
function convertStrToEnum<T extends keyof typeof GFG>(convertingStr: string): GFG 
| string {
    if (Object.values(GFG).includes(convertingStr as GFG)) {
        return convertingStr as GFG;
    } else {
        return `Pass either "${}" or 
        "${GFG.desc}" as testing string to the function`;

console.log(convertStrToEnum("A Computer Science portal."));


Pass either "GeeksforGeeks" or "A Computer Science portal." as testing string to the function
A Computer Science portal.
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