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How to calculate strike rate of a batsman

Given two integers A and B representing the run scored and ball faced by a batsman in a Cricket match. The task is to calculate the Strike rate of the batsman. 

Batting strike rate is a measure of how quickly a batsman achieves the primary goal of batting. It is mathematically equal to: 
Strike Rate = (Runs Scored / Balls faced) * 100 


Input: A = 264, B = 173 
Output: 152.601 
Srike rate of batsman is equal to (264 / 173) * 100 = 162.601

Input: A = 0, B = 10 
Output: 0.00 


  1. Use the formula for the strike rate to calculate the strike rate. 
    Strike Rate = (Runs Scored / Balls faced) * 100
  2. Return the strike rate in float data type format.

Here is the implementation of the above approach:  

// C++ program to calculate strike
// rate of a batsman
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to calculate strike
// rate of a batsman
float strikerate(int bowls, int runs)
    float z;
    z = (float(runs) / bowls) * 100;
    return z;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int A, B;
    A = 264;
    B = 173;
    cout << strikerate(B, A)
         << endl;
    return 0;

// Java program to calculate strike
// rate of a batsman
class GFG{
// function to calculate strike
// rate of a batsman
static float strikerate(float bowls, float runs)
    float z;
    z = (runs / bowls) * 100;
    return z;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int A, B;
    A = 264;
    B = 173;
    System.out.println(strikerate(B, A));
// This code is contributed by rock_cool

# Python3 program to calculate strike
# rate of a batsman
# function to calculate strike
# rate of a batsman
def strikerate(bowls, runs):
    z = (float(runs) / bowls) * 100;
    return z;
# Driver Code
A = 264;
B = 173;
print(strikerate(B, A));
# This code is contributed by Code_Mech

// C# program to calculate strike
// rate of a batsman
using System;
class GFG{
// function to calculate strike
// rate of a batsman
static float strikerate(float bowls,
                        float runs)
    float z;
    z = (runs / bowls) * 100;
    return z;
// Driver Code
public static void Main()
    int A, B;
    A = 264;
    B = 173;
    Console.Write(strikerate(B, A));
// This code is contributed by Code_Mech

// Javascript program to calculate strike
// rate of a batsman
// function to calculate strike
// rate of a batsman
function strikerate(bowls, runs)
    let z;
    z = (runs / bowls) * 100;
    return z.toFixed(3);
// Driver code   
let A, B;
A = 264;
B = 173;
document.write(strikerate(B, A));
// This code is contributed by divyesh072019



Time Complexity: O (1) 
Auxiliary Space: O (1)

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