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How to Add Data from Queryset into Templates in Django

In this article, we will read about how to add data from Queryset into Templates in Django Python. Data presentation logic is separated in Django MVT(Model View Templates) architecture. Django makes it easy to build web applications with dynamic content. One of the powerful features of Django is fetching data from a database and show on web pages.

Querysets serve as a powerful tool for retrieving data from databases and integrating data from the database. Integrating Querysets data into the templates is essential for displaying the dynamic data on the web pages.

Add Data from Queryset into Templates in Python Django

Below is the implementation to add data from the query set into templates in Django and Python:

Starting the Project Folder

To start the project use this command

django-admin startproject library
cd library

To start the app use this command

python startapp book

Now add this app to the ‘’


File Structure


Setting Necessary Files : After the initial project setup, we create a Book Model inside the book app. Book models have price, name, and author fields.

# Create your models here.
# book/

from django.db import models

class Book(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    author = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    price = models.IntegerField()

    def __str__(self):
        return : Django code defines a view function named All_Book that fetches all Book objects from the database using Django's ORM (Book.objects.all()) and passes them to a template named 'index.html' via the render function, making them available as queryset in the template.

# Create your views here.
# book/

from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Book

def All_Book(request):
    queryset = Book.objects.all()
    return render(request, 'index.html', {'queryset': queryset})

library/ Below, are the Project file.

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from book.views import *

urlpatterns = [
    path('', All_Book),
] : Here we are registering our models.

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Book

Creating GUI

index.html : HTML and CSS code creates a webpage layout for a book store, featuring a centered container with a heading "My Book Store" and a list of books with their names and authors, likely to be populated dynamically using a templating language like Django's template engine (indicated by {% for item in queryset %}).

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Book store</title>
    <h1>My Book</h1>
        {% for item in queryset %}
            <li>{{ }} - {{ }}</li>
        {% endfor %}

Deployment of the Project

Run these commands to apply the migrations:

python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate

Run the server with the help of following command:

python3 runserver



Add Data from Queryset into Templates in Django Python

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