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Hibernate – Caching

Caching in Hibernate refers to the technique of storing frequently accessed data in memory to improve the performance of an application that uses Hibernate as an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework. Hibernate provides two levels of caching:

  1. First-Level Cache: Hibernate uses a session-level cache, also known as a first-level cache, to store the data that is currently being used by a specific session. When an entity is loaded or updated for the first time in a session, it is stored in the session-level cache. Any subsequent request to fetch the same entity within the same session will be served from the cache, avoiding a database round-trip. The session-level cache is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
  2. Second-Level Cache: Hibernate also supports a second-level cache, which is a shared cache across multiple sessions. This cache stores data that is frequently used across different sessions, reducing the number of database queries and improving the overall performance of the application. The second-level cache can be configured with various caching providers, such as Ehcache, Infinispan, and Hazelcast.

Using caching in Hibernate can significantly improve the performance of an application by reducing the number of database round-trips and improving response times. However, it is important to use caching carefully, as it can also cause issues such as stale data, memory leaks, and increased complexity in managing the cache.

What are the benefits of caching in Hibernate?

Second-level cache providers in Hibernate

Hibernate provides several second-level cache providers that can be used to store cached data in a shared cache across multiple sessions. These include:

  1. Ehcache: Ehcache is a popular open-source caching library that provides an efficient in-memory caching solution for Hibernate. It supports various features such as expiration policies, distributed caching, and persistent caching.
  2. Infinispan: Infinispan is an open-source data grid platform that provides a distributed cache for Hibernate. It supports various caching modes such as local, replicated, and distributed caching and provides features such as expiration policies, transactions, and data eviction.
  3. Hazelcast: Hazelcast is an open-source in-memory data grid that provides a distributed caching solution for Hibernate. It supports various features such as distributed caching, data partitioning, data replication, and automatic failover.
  4. JBoss Cache: JBoss Cache is a popular open-source caching library that provides a scalable and distributed caching solution for Hibernate. It supports various features such as distributed caching, data replication, and transactional caching.
  5. Caffeine: Caffeine is a high-performance in-memory caching library that provides a fast and efficient caching solution for Hibernate. It supports various features such as expiration policies, eviction policies, and asynchronous loading.

Developers can choose the appropriate caching provider based on their specific requirements such as performance, scalability, and feature set. It is also possible to implement a custom cache provider by implementing the CacheProvider interface provided by Hibernate.

How to configure the second-level cache?

To configure the second-level cache in Hibernate, you need to perform the following steps:

<property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache">true</property>
<property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class">org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.EhCacheRegionFactory</property>

@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE, region="myEntityCache")
public class MyEntity {
    // ...

Query query = session.createQuery("from MyEntity where name=:name");
query.setParameter("name", "John");

How Does Hibernate second-level cache work?


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