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Strawberry: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Strawberry, also called garden strawberry, is a hybrid species of the genus Fragaria and is widely cultivated as a fruit. Strawberries belong to the Rose family and are small, red fruits that have a distinctive flavor and sweet aroma. Strawberries can be grown in raised beds, containers, or in the ground, and thus are a popular choice for home gardens and are relatively easy to grow in most climates. Though strawberries are native to temperate regions, today they are grown commercially in almost all parts of the world. For better yields, strawberries should be cultivated in well-draining soil with plenty of sunshine. Strawberries can be eaten fresh, or they can be used in salads, pies, jams, smoothies, and more. They can also be frozen or dried for use in cooking and baking. Also, strawberries are rich in nutrients and are a store of numerous health benefits as well.

Nutrition Facts about Strawberry

Strawberry is low in calories and contains no fat or cholesterol. Here are some nutritional facts about strawberries:

A serving of 8 strawberries (approx 150 grams) contains

Apart from that, strawberries are a source of many vitamins and minerals, namely:

What better than a perfect combination of flavor, aroma, and nutrients? The list doesn’t stop here. The health benefits of strawberries are quite impressive as well. 

Health Benefits of Strawberry

Strawberries are delicious and nutritious fruits with many potential health benefits. Some of them are:

1. Keep Heart Healthy

Heart disease is the most common cause of death today due to bad eating habits and low physical movement.  Strawberries contain anti-oxidants, such as flavonoids and ellagitannins, and other compounds that may help to lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. In addition, strawberries are low in calories and contain no cholesterol, which also helps to promote heart health. 

2. Anti-Inflammatory Property

Strawberries contain compounds, such as quercetin and kaempferol, which have been found to have anti-inflammatory effects. Strawberries are especially beneficial for people suffering from arthritis and asthma, as inflammation is often a contributing factor to these health conditions. Studies have found that people who eat strawberries regularly are less likely to have inflammation in the body.

3. Cancer Prevention

Cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells. Strawberries have been shown to inhibit tumor formation in human liver cancer cells and also in animals with mouth cancer. This could be attributed to the nutrients in strawberries, including fiber, folate, vitamin C, ellagic acid, and flavonoids, that help in reducing the risk of cancer.

4. Improves Brain Function

Strawberries contain compounds, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, that may help to improve brain function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Studies have shown that people who consume a diet rich in flavonoids, such as strawberries, have a lower risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

5. Improve Skin Resilience

Vitamin C is required for the production of collagen, which helps to improve skin resilience and elasticity. Eating foods rich in vitamin C may help to get healthier, younger skin.  Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and thus aid in younger, glowing skin. In a study, it was found that strawberry-based cosmetic treatments protected skin from harmful Ultraviolet-A radiations. Not only this, the anti-oxidants in strawberries may also help to prevent cataracts, which can lead to blindness in older age.

6. Aid in Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is a prerequisite to a healthy body. Strawberries are naturally low in calories and also low in sodium and sugar. Also, the total carbohydrate content in strawberries is equivalent to less than half a slice of bread. This makes strawberries one of the best fruits to aid weight management, and the fiber in strawberries makes you feel fuller longer.

7.  Boosts Immunity

Strawberries, being an excellent source of vitamin C, trigger immune-boosting antibodies, which ultimately enhance the body’s ability to fight infections. Strawberries are also found to fight allergies and asthma, and keep the body overall healthy and free from diseases.

Apart from the health benefits, strawberries have many culinary uses as well.

Culinary Uses of Strawberry

Strawberries are versatile fruits that can be used in a variety of culinary dishes. 

1.  Jams and Jellies

Strawberries can be used to make homemade jams and jellies. What you need to do, is simply mash the strawberries and combine them with sugar and pectin ( pectin is a soluble fiber used as a thickener in cooking and baking), and cook until it is thickened. Strawberry jam can be eaten as a bread topping or used as an ingredient for other dishes.

2. Baked Foods

Strawberries can be used in baked foods, including cakes, pies, muffins, and bread. Additionally, they can be chopped up and added to the batter or even used as a topping. Raw strawberries can be sliced to fill pies and cobblers. Crushed strawberries can be used on desserts to give them a refreshing and exotic look.

3. Sauces and Dips

Strawberries can be pureed and used as a sauce for meat and poultry dishes. Not only this, you can combine cream cheese, nuts, and other fruits with strawberries to create dessert-like fruit dips. 

4. Smoothies

Smoothies made from strawberries are a delicious and healthy option for a refreshing drink. Strawberries are packed with vitamins and antioxidants, and they add a sweet and fruity flavor to smoothies. There are many ideas to make them, feel free to get creative and add your own twist or ingredients to the smoothies!

Wrapping Up 

Strawberries are a tasty and healthy fruit that have a number of health advantages. They include a lot of fiber, vitamins, and minerals while having few calories. They are also a good source of phytochemicals and antioxidants, which may help lower the chance of developing certain diseases. They also possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer capabilities, it has been discovered. Additionally, some studies have indicated that they might support better blood sugar control, improved brain function, and heart health. Strawberries are a nutritious complement to any diet, but since they naturally contain sugar, it’s crucial to remember to eat them in moderation. It is advised to consume fresh, regionally farmed, and seasonal strawberries to reap the greatest health advantages.

FAQs on Strawberry

Q1. How should we store strawberries?

Ans. Fresh strawberries should be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic container. It will last for 3-5 days.

Q2. Can strawberries be grown at home?

Ans. Yes, strawberries can be grown at home in a garden or in containers. They prefer well-draining soils and plenty of sunshine.

Q3. Which country is the largest producer of strawberries?

Ans. Currently, China is the largest producer of strawberries in the world. 

Q4. Are Strawberries good for diabetes?

Ans. Strawberries have a low glycemic index and are high in fiber, making them a good option for people with diabetes. They can help to regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

Q5. What are the potential Health Benefits of Strawberries?

Ans. Strawberries have been linked to a variety of health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and age-related cognitive decline. They are also thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases.

Q6. How many Strawberries should I eat per day?

Ans. The recommended intake for strawberries is about 1 cup (150 grams) per day. However, it’s best to consult with your doctor or a nutritionist for personalized recommendations based on your individual needs and health conditions.

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