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HashMap in Scala

HashMap is a part of Scala Collection’s. It is used to store element and return a map. A HashMap is a combination of key and value pairs which are stored using a Hash Table data structure. It provides the basic implementation of Map.


var hashMapName = HashMap("key1"->"value1", "key2"->"value2", "key3"->"value3", ...) 

We must import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap for HashMap.

Operation performed by HashMap

Creating an HashMap:

Below is the example to create HashMap. In below code, we can see an empty HashMap is created then a HashMap is created with values.

// Scala program to create or print HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
// Creating object 
object Geeks 
    // Main method 
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        // Creating empty HashMap
        var hashMap = new HashMap()  
        // Creating HashMap with values
        var hashMap2 = HashMap("C"->"Csharp", "S"->"Scala", "J"->"Java")  
        // Printing HashMap


Map(S -> Scala, J -> Java, C -> Csharp)

Adding and Accessing Elements :

In the below example, A HashMap is created. add elements and access elements also performed.

// Scala program to Adding and Accessing Elements HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
// Creating object 
object Geeks 
    // Main method 
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        // Creating HashMap
        var hashMap = HashMap("C"->"Csharp", "S"->"Scala", "J"->"Java")
        // Iterating elements
            case (key, value) => println (key + " -> " + value)         
        // Accessing value by using key 
        // Adding element
        var HashMap2 = hashMap + ("P"->"Perl")  
            case (key, value) => println (key + " -> " + value)  


S -> Scala
J -> Java
C -> Csharp
S -> Scala
P -> Perl
J -> Java
C -> Csharp

Removing an element from HashMap :
A HashMap is created than removing an element is performed using sign. Below is the example to removing an element from HashMap.

// Scala program to removing Element HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
// Creating object 
object Geeks 
    // Main method 
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        // Creating HashMap
        var hashMap = HashMap("C"->"Csharp", "S"->"Scala", "J"->"Java")
        // Iterating elements
            case (key, value) => println (key + " -> " + value)         
        // Removing an element
        hashMap -= "C"
        println("After Removing")
            case (key, value) => println (key + " -> " + value) 


S -> Scala
J -> Java
C -> Csharp
After Removing
S -> Scala
J -> Java

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