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GRE Geometry | Quadrilaterals

A quadrilateral is a 2 – D shape which contain 4 sides. It consist of four sides, four angles and four vertices. 

Different type of quadrilateral and their properties: 

Some examples on quadrilateral: 
What will be the area and perimeter of given rectangle if length of rectangle is 5cm and breadth of rectangle is 7cm? 


Area of rectangle = length * breadth. 
Area of rectangle = 5 * 7 = 35 cm2
Perimeter of rectangle = 2*(length + breadth)
Perimeter of rectangle = 2*(5 + 7) = 24cm

What will be the area of given rhombus if diagonal of rhombus are 4cm and 6cm? 


Area of rhombus = (diagonal1 * diagonal2) / 2
Area of rhombus = (4 * 6) / 2 = 12 cm2

What will be area and perimeter of given trapezium if AB is parallel to CD? 

Area of trapezium = (sum of length of parallel side(or bases)) * height / 2.
Area of trapezium = (3 + 4. 5) * 3 / 2 
= 11.25 cm2
Perimeter of trapezium = Sum of all sides
= 3 + 3 + 3.5 + 4.5 = 14 cm
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