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Golang Program to Use Field Tags in the Definition of Struct Type

Structure in Golang is used to store different types of data in one place. ‘struct’ itself is a user-defined data type. The syntax of ‘struct’ in Golang is as follow:


type var_name struct
     var1  data_type
     var2  data_type

Structure in Golang is written to files like JSON. It is a data storage format. Golang provides packages in the standard library to write and retrieve structures to/from the JSON file. In the definition of structures, field tags are added to the field declaration which is used as the field name in JSON files.


type Book struct 
    Name    string  `json:"name"`
    Author  string  `json: "author"`
    Price   int     `json: "price"`

Below programs illustrate the use of field tags in the definition of struct type in Golang:

Program 1:

// Golang program to show how to use
// field tags in the definition of Struct
package main
type Book struct 
    Name    string  `json:"name"`
    Author  string  `json: "author"`
    Price   int     `json: "price"`
func main() {
    var b Book
    b.Name = "DBMS"
    b.Author = "Navathe"
    b.Price = 850
    // returns []byte which is b in JSON form.
    jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(b)
    if err != nil {


{DBMS Navathe 850}
{"name":"DBMS", "author":"Navathe", "price":850}

Program 2:

// Golang program to show how to use
// field tags in the definition of Struct
package main
type Fruit struct 
    Name    string  `json:"name"`
    Quantity  string  `json: "quantity"`
    Price   int     `json: "price"`
func main() {
    var f Fruit
    f.Name = "Apple"
    f.Quantity = "2KG"
    f.Price = 100
    // returns []byte which is f in JSON form.
    jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(f)
    if err != nil {


{Apple 2KG 100}
{"name":"Apple", "quantity":"2KG", "price":100}

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