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Geeksforgeeks Interview Experience

Sure, I’d be happy to share my experience of being interviewed by GeeksforGeeks as a student.

I was a third-year computer science student at the time, and I was applying for an internship at GeeksforGeeks. I had been using the website for a few years, and I was impressed with the content and the community. I was excited to have the opportunity to interview with the company.

The interview process was two rounds. The first round was a phone interview with a recruiter. The recruiter asked me about my background, my interests, and my experience with coding. The second round was an in-person interview with two engineers. The engineers asked me a variety of technical questions, including questions about data structures, algorithms, and programming languages.

I was nervous about the interview, but I was also excited. I had been preparing for weeks, and I felt like I knew my stuff. The interview went well, and I was able to answer all of the questions. I was also able to show the engineers that I was passionate about coding and that I was eager to learn.

A few weeks after the interview, I was offered an internship. I was thrilled! I had always wanted to work for GeeksforGeeks, and I was excited to start my internship.

My internship at GeeksforGeeks was an amazing experience. I learned a lot, and I had the opportunity to work on some cool projects. I also got to meet some great people, and I made some lifelong friends.

If you’re a student who is interested in interviewing with GeeksforGeeks, I would highly recommend it. The company is a great place to work, and the interview process is fair and challenging. I’m sure you’ll have a great experience if you apply.

Here are some tips for interviewing with GeeksforGeeks:

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