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GeeksforGeeks Interview Experience

99.72 percentile in CAT | GEM Profile | B.Tech in CSE | Work ex of 18 months [considered till date] | 3 months at Infosys and currently working on GeeksforGeeks as MTS (technical content, DSA) | 10th/12th/Grad – 93.42/91.0/83.4

Time: Reporting time was 1.00 pm (I got out around 3 pm)

WAT Topic: Will Automation create real employment? [It was held online on 24th February at 12 pm]

Interview: I was the 6th member of my panel (Panel 3, total 3 panels). There were 2 male interviewers (M1 in his late 30s and M2 in his 40s) and 1 female member (say F seemed to be in her 40s). The 3rd member of my panel was absent. The interview was around 15 min (Though all others were having 20-25 min of the interview before me).

Here I would share a little incident. When it was time for the 4th member of my panel, the female interviewer by mistake called me instead of the correct person. When I went M1 and M2 were already discussing that with her. They told me that it happened by mistake and told me to wait outside and called the original member.

After that, the interview ended.

Verdict: Rejected.

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