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Gated Recurrent Unit Networks

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) that was introduced by Cho et al. in 2014 as a simpler alternative to Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Like LSTM, GRU can process sequential data such as text, speech, and time-series data.

The basic idea behind GRU is to use gating mechanisms to selectively update the hidden state of the network at each time step. The gating mechanisms are used to control the flow of information in and out of the network. The GRU has two gating mechanisms, called the reset gate and the update gate.

The reset gate determines how much of the previous hidden state should be forgotten, while the update gate determines how much of the new input should be used to update the hidden state. The output of the GRU is calculated based on the updated hidden state.

The equations used to calculate the reset gate, update gate, and hidden state of a GRU are as follows:

Reset gate: r_t = sigmoid(W_r * [h_{t-1}, x_t])
Update gate: z_t = sigmoid(W_z * [h_{t-1}, x_t])
Candidate hidden state: h_t’ = tanh(W_h * [r_t * h_{t-1}, x_t])
Hidden state: h_t = (1 – z_t) * h_{t-1} + z_t * h_t’
where W_r, W_z, and W_h are learnable weight matrices, x_t is the input at time step t, h_{t-1} is the previous hidden state, and h_t is the current hidden state.

In summary, GRU networks are a type of RNN that use gating mechanisms to selectively update the hidden state at each time step, allowing them to effectively model sequential data. They have been shown to be effective in various natural language processing tasks, such as language modeling, machine translation, and speech recognition

Prerequisites: Recurrent Neural Networks, Long Short Term Memory Networks 

To solve the Vanishing-Exploding gradients problem often encountered during the operation of a basic Recurrent Neural Network, many variations were developed. One of the most famous variations is the Long Short Term Memory Network(LSTM). One of the lesser-known but equally effective variations is the Gated Recurrent Unit Network(GRU)

Unlike LSTM, it consists of only three gates and does not maintain an Internal Cell State. The information which is stored in the Internal Cell State in an LSTM recurrent unit is incorporated into the hidden state of the Gated Recurrent Unit. This collective information is passed onto the next Gated Recurrent Unit. The different gates of a GRU are as described below:- 

  1. Update Gate(z): It determines how much of the past knowledge needs to be passed along into the future. It is analogous to the Output Gate in an LSTM recurrent unit.
  2. Reset Gate(r): It determines how much of the past knowledge to forget. It is analogous to the combination of the Input Gate and the Forget Gate in an LSTM recurrent unit.
  3. Current Memory Gate(): It is often overlooked during a typical discussion on Gated Recurrent Unit Network. It is incorporated into the Reset Gate just like the Input Modulation Gate is a sub-part of the Input Gate and is used to introduce some non-linearity into the input and to also make the input Zero-mean. Another reason to make it a sub-part of the Reset gate is to reduce the effect that previous information has on the current information that is being passed into the future.

The basic work-flow of a Gated Recurrent Unit Network is similar to that of a basic Recurrent Neural Network when illustrated, the main difference between the two is in the internal working within each recurrent unit as Gated Recurrent Unit networks consist of gates which modulate the current input and the previous hidden state. 

Working of a Gated Recurrent Unit: 

Update Gate : Sigmoid Function
Reset Gate  : Sigmoid Function

Note that the blue circles denote element-wise multiplication. The positive sign in the circle denotes vector addition while the negative sign denotes vector subtraction(vector addition with negative value). The weight matrix W contains different weights for the current input vector and the previous hidden state for each gate. 

Just like Recurrent Neural Networks, a GRU network also generates an output at each time step and this output is used to train the network using gradient descent.  

Note that just like the workflow, the training process for a GRU network is also diagrammatically similar to that of a basic Recurrent Neural Network and differs only in the internal working of each recurrent unit. 

The Back-Propagation Through Time Algorithm for a Gated Recurrent Unit Network is similar to that of a Long Short Term Memory Network and differs only in the differential chain formation. 

Let be the predicted output at each time step and be the actual output at each time step. Then the error at each time step is given by:- 

The total error is thus given by the summation of errors at all time steps. 

Similarly, the value can be calculated as the summation of the gradients at each time step. 

Using the chain rule and using the fact that is a function of and which indeed is a function of , the following expression arises:- 

Thus the total error gradient is given by the following:- 

Note that the gradient equation involves a chain of which looks similar to that of a basic Recurrent Neural Network but this equation works differently because of the internal workings of the derivatives of 

How do Gated Recurrent Units solve the problem of vanishing gradients? 

The value of the gradients is controlled by the chain of derivatives starting from . Recall the expression for :- 

Using the above expression, the value for is:- 

Recall the expression for :- 

Using the above expression to calculate the value of :- 

Since both the update and reset gate use the sigmoid function as their activation function, both can take values either 0 or 1. 

Case 1(z = 1): 

In this case, irrespective of the value of , the term is equal to z which in turn is equal to 1. 

Case 2A(z=0 and r=0): 

In this case, the term is equal to 0. 

Case 2B(z=0 and r=1): 

In this case, the term is equal to . This value is controlled by the weight matrix which is trainable and thus the network learns to adjust the weights in such a way that the term comes closer to 1. 

Thus the Back-Propagation Through Time algorithm adjusts the respective weights in such a manner that the value of the chain of derivatives is as close to 1 as possible.

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