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GATE | GATE-CS-2005 | Question 6

An undirected graph C has n nodes. Its adjacency matrix is given by an n × n square matrix whose (i) diagonal elements are 0\’s, and (ii) non-diagonal elements are l\’s. Which one of the following is TRUE?


Graph G has no minimum spanning tree (MST)


Graph G has a unique MST of cost n-1


Graph G has multiple distinct MSTs, each of cost n-1


Graph G has multiple spanning trees of different costs

Answer: (C)


The correct answer is (C).

An MST is a tree that connects all the vertices of a graph with the minimum possible total edge weight. An MST does not contain any cycles.

The adjacency matrix of an undirected graph shows which vertices are connected by edges. In this case, the adjacency matrix is given by an n × n square matrix whose diagonal elements are 0’s and non-diagonal elements are 1’s. This means that every vertex is connected to every other vertex by an edge.

Since every vertex is connected to every other vertex, there are multiple MSTs for this graph. Each MST will have n-1 edges, because there are n vertices and an MST cannot have any cycles. The cost of each MST will be n-1, because the cost of an edge is 1.

Therefore, the answer is (C).

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