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Flutter – Smooth Page Indicator

Smooth Page Indicator is a customizable animated page indicator with the following set of built-in effects.

Getting Start

First, we need to add dependency into the pubspec.yaml file.

 smooth_page_indicator: ^1.0.0+2

Don’t forget to get packages.

Note: The version of the packages may change at the time you read.

Import it

When we use it we need to Import the package.

import 'package:smooth_page_indicator/smooth_page_indicator.dart';

Getting Into the code

Now in void main( ) function call the runApp( ) method and call the class MysmoothIndicator( ). Defining variable controller of the type Controller used to control the active page (Knowing which page is selected after each swipe)

var controller;
controller =PageController(
  viewPortFraction: 0.8,

The viewportFraction determines each child to fill in the main axis, Here 80%. Now our Class looks like Till now,

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:smooth_page_indicator/smooth_page_indicator.dart';
void main() {
// main function
class MysmoothIndicator extends StatefulWidget {
  _MysmoothIndicatorState createState() => new _MysmoothIndicatorState();
class _MysmoothIndicatorState extends State<MysmoothIndicator> {
  // variable controller
  var controller;  
  void initState() {
      controller=new PageController(

Now make a list of pages to swipe. so that at each swipe we show the effects.

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   // materialApp
   return new MaterialApp(  
     title: 'SPI Worm',
     // scaffold
     home: new Scaffold(  
           title: new Text('SPI Worm')
           children: <Widget>[
               // pageview
               child:new PageView(  
                 children: <Widget>[
                       Text('Simple Text,Keep Swiping'),
                            children: <Widget>[
                              Text("Dart Logo!")

Output till now: 

Now we have to create an Indicator for different effects,

Worm Effects 

In the pageView widget, Use the Flexible widget and use smoothPageIndicator as a child, and take wormEffect() as a child of effect property.



Jumping Dots Effects

In effect property  of SmoothPageIndicator give JumpingDotEffect().




In effect property  of SmoothPageIndicator give ScrollDotEffect().

                  effect:ScrollDotEffect(  activeStrokeWidth : 2.6,
                  activeDotScale : 0.4,
                  radius : 8,
                  spacing : 10,),                


Scale Effect

In effect property  of SmoothPageIndicator give ScaleEffect().



Slider Effect 

In effect property  of SmoothPageIndicator give SlideEffect().

                  spacing : 8,
                  radius : 4,
                  dotWidth : 24,
                  dotHeight : 16,
                  activeColor : Colors.indigo,


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