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Finding the Decimal Logarithm of Complex Number in Golang

Go language provides inbuilt support for basic constants and mathematical functions for complex numbers with the help of the cmplx package. You are allowed to find the decimal logarithm of the specified complex number with the help of Log10() function provided by the math/cmplx package. So, you need to add a math/cmplx package in your program with the help of the import keyword to access the Log10() function.


func Log10(y complex128) complex128

Example 1:

// Golang program to illustrate how to find the
// decimal logarithm of the given complex number
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
    // Finding decimal logarithm of
    // the specified complex number
    // Using Log10() function
    res_1 := cmplx.Log10(1i)
    res_2 := cmplx.Log10(-4 + 12i)
    res_3 := cmplx.Log10(-3 - 9i)
    // Displaying the result
    fmt.Printf("Result 1: %.1f", res_1)
    fmt.Printf("\nResult 2: %.1f", res_2)
    fmt.Printf("\nResult 3: %.1f", res_3)


Result 1: (0.0+0.7i)
Result 2: (1.1+0.8i)
Result 3: (1.0-0.8i)

Example 2:

// Golang program to illustrate how to find the
// decimal logarithm of the given complex number
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
    cnumber_1 := complex(0, 2)
    cnumber_2 := complex(4, 6)
    // Finding decimal logarithm
    cvalue_1 := cmplx.Log10(cnumber_1)
    cvalue_2 := cmplx.Log10(cnumber_2)
    // Sum of the given values
    res := cvalue_1 + cvalue_2
    // Displaying results
    fmt.Println("Complex Number 1: ", cnumber_1)
    fmt.Printf("Decimal logarithm 1: %.1f", cvalue_1)
    fmt.Println("\nComplex Number 2: ", cnumber_2)
    fmt.Printf("Decimal logarithm 2: %.1f ", cvalue_2)
    fmt.Printf("\nSum : %.1f", res)


Complex Number 1:  (0+2i)
Decimal logarithm 1: (0.3+0.7i)
Complex Number 2:  (4+6i)
Decimal logarithm 2: (0.9+0.4i) 
Sum : (1.2+1.1i)

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