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Find Unique ID and Domain Name of a Website from a string

Given a string S of size N consisting of unique ID and Domain Name of a unique website, the task is to find the ID and the Domain Name in the given string if the ID is of the form [char, char, char, char, char, digit, digit, digit, digit, char].


Input: S = “We thank ABCDE1234F for visiting us and buying products item AMZrr@!k. For more offers, visit us at”
Domain =

Input: S = “Hi PQRST5678D, it was a pleasure to host you. See, our official website for future stays”
Domain =

Approach: The simplest approach to solve the given problem is to split the string into words and find if the split string is ID or Domain. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check if a character is
// alphabet or not
bool ischar(char x)
    if ((x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z')
        || (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z')) {
        return 1;
    return 0;
// Function to check if a character is
// a numeric or not
bool isnum(char x)
    if (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
        return 1;
    return 0;
// Function to find ID and Domain
// name from a given string
void findIdandDomain(string S, int N)
    // Stores ID and the domain names
    string ID, Domain;
    // Stores the words of string S
    vector<string> words;
    // Stores the temporary word
    string curr = "";
    // Traverse the string S
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // If the current character
        // is space
        if (S[i] == ' ') {
            // Push the curr in words
            // Update the curr
            curr = "";
        // Otherwise
        else {
            if (S[i] == '.') {
                if (i + 1 == N
                    || (i + 1 < N
                        && S[i + 1] == ' '))
            curr += S[i];
    // If curr is not empty
    if (curr.length())
    for (string ss : words) {
        // If length of ss is 10
        if (ss.size() == 10) {
            bool flag = 0;
            // Traverse the string ss
            for (int j = 0; j <= 9; j++) {
                // If j is in the range
                // [5, 9)
                if (j >= 5 && j < 9) {
                    // If current character
                    // is not numeric
                    if (isnum(ss[j]) == 0)
                        // Mark flag 1
                        flag = 1;
                // Otherwise
                else {
                    // If current character
                    // is not alphabet
                    if (ischar(ss[j]) == 0)
                        // Mark flag 1
                        flag = 1;
            // If flag is false
            if (!flag) {
                // Assign ss to ID
                ID = ss;
        // If substring formed by the
        // first 3 character is "www"
        // and last 3 character is "moc"
        if (ss.substr(0, 3) == "www"
            && ss.substr(
                   ss.length() - 3, 3)
                   == "com") {
            // Update the domain name
            Domain = ss.substr(
                4, ss.size() - 4);
    // Print ID and Domain
    cout << "ID = " << ID
         << endl;
    cout << "Domain = " << Domain;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string S = "We thank ABCDE1234F for visiting "
               "us and buying "
               "products item AMZrr@!k. For more "
               "offers, visit "
               "us at";
    int N = S.length();
    findIdandDomain(S, N);
    return 0;

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to check if a character is
// alphabet or not
static boolean ischar(char x)
    if ((x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z') ||
        (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z'))
        return true;
    return false;
// Function to check if a character is
// a numeric or not
static boolean isnum(char x)
    if (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
        return true;
    return false;
// Function to find ID and Domain
// name from a given String
static void findIdandDomain(String S, int N)
    // Stores ID and the domain names
    String ID = "", Domain = "";
    // Stores the words of String S
    Vector<String> words = new Vector<String>();
    // Stores the temporary word
    String curr = "";
    // Traverse the String S
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        // If the current character
        // is space
        if (S.charAt(i) == ' ')
            // Push the curr in words
            // Update the curr
            curr = "";
        // Otherwise
            if (S.charAt(i) == '.')
                if (i + 1 == N || (i + 1 < N &&
                    S.charAt(i + 1) == ' '))
            curr += S.charAt(i);
    // If curr is not empty
    if (curr.length() > 0)
    for(String ss : words)
        // If length of ss is 10
        if (ss.length() == 10)
            boolean flag = false;
            // Traverse the String ss
            for(int j = 0; j <= 9; j++)
                // If j is in the range
                // [5, 9)
                if (j >= 5 && j < 9)
                    // If current character
                    // is not numeric
                    if (isnum(ss.charAt(j)) == false)
                        // Mark flag 1
                        flag = true;
                // Otherwise
                    // If current character
                    // is not alphabet
                    if (ischar(ss.charAt(j)) == false)
                        // Mark flag 1
                        flag = true;
            // If flag is false
            if (!flag)
                // Assign ss to ID
                ID = ss;
        // If subString formed by the
        // first 3 character is "www"
        // and last 3 character is "moc"
        if (ss.length() > 2 && ss.substring(0, 3).equals("www") &&
            ss.substring(ss.length() - 3).equals("com"))
            // Update the domain name
            Domain = ss.substring(4, ss.length());
    // Print ID and Domain
    System.out.print("ID = " +  ID + "\n");
    System.out.print("Domain = " +  Domain);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String S = "We thank ABCDE1234F for visiting " +
               "us and buying products item AMZrr@!k. " +
               "For more offers, visit us at";
    int N = S.length();
    findIdandDomain(S, N);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to check if a character is
# alphabet or not
def ischar(x):
    if ((x >= 'A' and x <= 'Z') or
        (x >= 'a' and x <= 'z')):
        return 1
    return 0
# Function to check if a character is
# a numeric or not
def isnum(x):
    if (x >= '0' and x <= '9'):
        return 1
    return 0
# Function to find ID and Domain
# name from a given
def findIdandDomain(S, N):
    # Stores ID and the domain names
    ID, Domain = "", ""
    # Stores the words of  S
    words = []
    # Stores the temporary word
    curr = ""
    # Traverse the  S
    for i in range(N):
        # If the current character
        # is space
        if (S[i] == ' '):
            # Push the curr in words
            # Update the curr
            curr = ""
        # Otherwise
            if (S[i] == '.'):
                if (i + 1 == N or (i + 1 < N and
                  S[i + 1] == ' ')):
            curr += S[i]
    # If curr is not empty
    if (len(curr)):
    for ss in words:
        # If length of ss is 10
        if (len(ss) == 10):
            flag = 0
            # Traverse the  ss
            for j in range(10):
                # If j is in the range
                # [5, 9)
                if (j >= 5 and j < 9):
                    # If current character
                    # is not numeric
                    if (isnum(ss[j]) == 0):
                        # Mark flag 1
                        flag = 1
                # Otherwise
                    # If current character
                    # is not alphabet
                    if (ischar(ss[j]) == 0):
                        # Mark flag 1
                        flag = 1
            # If flag is false
            if (not flag):
                # Assign ss to ID
                ID = ss
        # If sub formed by the
        # first 3 character is "www"
        # and last 3 character is "moc"
        if (ss[0: 3] == "www" and ss[len(ss) - 3: ]== "com"):
            # Update the domain name
            Domain = ss[4: len(ss) ]
    # Print ID and Domain
    print("ID =", ID)
    print("Domain =", Domain)
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    S = "We thank ABCDE1234F for visiting us "\
        "and buying products item AMZrr@!k. "\
        "For more offers, visit us at"
    N = len(S)
    findIdandDomain(S, N)
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29

// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG
// Function to check if a character is
// alphabet or not
static bool ischar(char x)
    if ((x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z') ||
        (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z'))
        return true;
    return false;
// Function to check if a character is
// a numeric or not
static bool isnum(char x)
    if (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
        return true;
    return false;
// Function to find ID and Domain
// name from a given String
static void findIdandDoMain(String S, int N)
    // Stores ID and the domain names
    String ID = "", Domain = "";
    // Stores the words of String S
    List<String> words = new List<String>();
    // Stores the temporary word
    String curr = "";
    // Traverse the String S
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        // If the current character
        // is space
        if (S[i] == ' ')
            // Push the curr in words
            // Update the curr
            curr = "";
        // Otherwise
            if (S[i] == '.')
                if (i + 1 == N || (i + 1 < N &&
                    S[i + 1] == ' '))
            curr += S[i];
    // If curr is not empty
    if (curr.Length > 0)
    foreach(String ss in words)
        // If length of ss is 10
        if (ss.Length == 10)
            bool flag = false;
            // Traverse the String ss
            for(int j = 0; j <= 9; j++)
                // If j is in the range
                // [5, 9)
                if (j >= 5 && j < 9)
                    // If current character
                    // is not numeric
                    if (isnum(ss[j]) == false)
                        // Mark flag 1
                        flag = true;
                // Otherwise
                    // If current character
                    // is not alphabet
                    if (ischar(ss[j]) == false)
                        // Mark flag 1
                        flag = true;
            // If flag is false
            if (!flag)
                // Assign ss to ID
                ID = ss;
        // If subString formed by the
        // first 3 character is "www"
        // and last 3 character is "moc"
        if (ss.Length > 2 && ss.Substring(0, 3).Equals("www") &&
            ss.Substring(ss.Length - 3).Equals("com"))
            // Update the domain name
            Domain = ss.Substring(4, ss.Length-4);
    // Print ID and Domain
    Console.Write("ID = " +  ID + "\n");
    Console.Write("Domain = " +  Domain);
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String S = "We thank ABCDE1234F for visiting " +
               "us and buying products item AMZrr@!k. " +
               "For more offers, visit us at";
    int N = S.Length;
    findIdandDoMain(S, N);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

// JavaScript program for the above approach
// Function to check if a character is
// alphabet or not
function ischar(x)
    if ((x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z') ||
        (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z'))
        return true;
    return false;
// Function to check if a character is
// a numeric or not
function isnum(x)
    if (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
        return true;
    return false;
// Function to find ID and Domain
// name from a given string
function findIdandDomain(S, N)
    // Stores ID and the domain names
    let ID, Domain;
    // Stores the words of string S
    let words = [];
    // Stores the temporary word
    let curr = "";
    // Traverse the string S
    for(let i = 0; i < N; i++)
        // If the current character
        // is space
        if (S[i] == ' ')
            // Push the curr in words
            // Update the curr
            curr = "";
        // Otherwise
            if (S[i] == '.')
                if (i + 1 == N ||
                   (i + 1 < N && S[i + 1] == ' '))
            curr += S[i];
    // If curr is not empty
    if (curr.length >= 1)
    for(let i = 0; i < words.length; i++)
        // If length of ss is 10
        if (words[i].length == 10)
            let flag = 0;
            // Traverse the string ss
            for(let j = 0; j <= 9; j++)
                // If j is in the range
                // [5, 9)
                if (j >= 5 && j < 9)
                    // If current character
                    // is not numeric
                    if (isnum(words[i][j]) == 0)
                        // Mark flag 1
                        flag = 1;
                // Otherwise
                    // If current character
                    // is not alphabet
                    if (ischar(words[i][j]) == 0)
                        // Mark flag 1
                        flag = 1;
            // If flag is false
            if (!flag)
                // Assign ss to ID
                ID = words[i];
        // If substring formed by the
        // first 3 character is "www"
        // and last 3 character is "moc"
        if (words[i].substring(0, 3) == "www" &&
                words[i].length - 3) == "com")
            // Update the domain name
            Domain = words[i].substring(4);
    // Print ID and Domain
    document.write("ID = " + ID + "<br>");
    document.write("Domain = " + Domain);
// Driver Code
let S = "We thank ABCDE1234F for visiting " +
        "us and buying products item AMZrr@!k. " +
        "For more offers, visit us at";
let N = S.length;
findIdandDomain(S, N);
// This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V.

Domain =


Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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