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Fidelity Investments Interview Experience for Lead Engineering

I recently had the opportunity to interview for the Lead Engineering position at Fidelity Investments. The interview process consisted of four rounds: Tech Round 1, Tech Round 2, Manager round and an HR Round. Here’s a detailed account of my interview experience:

Round-1: Tech Round 1

The first round of the interview began with discussions on fundamental Java concepts. The interviewer focused on topics like polymorphism, inheritance, and association, with an emphasis on real-life application scenarios. We then delved into the Java Collections framework, exploring different implementations of the List, Set, and Map interfaces. The interviewer also inquired about the most suitable collections for specific use cases, prompting me to provide real-time examples. Additionally, I was given a coding question that involved finding the closest pair of elements with a sum closest to a given target.

Round-2: Tech Round 2

The second technical round commenced with discussions on Java 8 features, such as lambdas, streams, and functional interfaces. We then shifted our focus to the Spring framework, specifically exploring filters and their implementation in a Spring application. The interviewer also questioned me about the bean lifecycle in Spring and how we can tap into it. We discussed the factory method design pattern and how it can be implemented using Spring annotations. Additionally, I was asked the famous Trapping Rain Water problem.

Round-3: Manager Round

The final round was a Manager round where I had the opportunity to discuss my project experience and other Managerial-related matters. We discussed my role in previous projects and the unique contributions I made. I highlighted the new features and technologies I implemented in my projects. The interviewer also inquired about creating a distributed cache for my project and asked about my experiences with cloud technologies.

Round-4: HR Round

The final round was an HR round, providing an opportunity to discuss my experience, expectations, and HR-related matters.

I am delighted to share that I successfully completed all four rounds of the interview process for the Lead Engineering position at Fidelity Investments and received a job offer.

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