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Fiberlink (maas360) Interview Experience | Set 5 (Online Coding Question)

Ticket Scalpers:
Given an array of tickets held by n scalpers.
The cost of a ticket at the scalper is equal to the number of tickets at a scalper at that particular moment. i.e if a 1st Scalper has 4 tickets at present then the cost of a ticket will be $4. After he sells that ticket he has 3 tickets, so the next ticket will cost $3 and so on.
If N number of tickets scalpers are seated outside a hockey stadium what is the maximum amount they can earn for the first ‘k’ tickets sold:

Input: Given n (Number of scalpers), given an array which has number of tickets held by each ticket scalper, the value of k.

Output: the max amount that can be earned by them by selling k tickets.

Output: 14

Solution: 5+4+3+2 =14

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