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Facts About Blood

Facts About Blood: Blood is the body fluid which is also one type of connective tissue. It delivers the essential nutrients to the different parts of our body. The types of blood are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The function of blood includes transferring oxygen and removing carbon dioxide and water materials from our bodies.

The blood cells carry different types of hormones and immune cells to fight against different types of infections.  In this article, we are going to discuss the different facts about blood in detail. 

What is Blood?

Blood is a connective tissue of our body that is made up of different liquid and solid components. The liquid part of the blood is plasma which is made up of water, fat, protein, sugar, and salts. It transports different types of blood cells, hormones, and nutrients to the different parts of our body. On the other side, the solid part of the blood contains red blood corpuscles, white blood corpuscles, and platelets.  

Types of Blood Cells

The various types of blood cells are:

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Facts About Blood

Let us discuss some major facts of the blood as mentioned below.

Fact 1: Relation With Body Weight

The blood makes up 7 % of our whole body weight. A newborn has around one cup of blood in their body while an adult contains around 5 liters of blood in their body.

Fact 2: Blood Components

There are two types of major components present in our blood including plasma and blood cells. The plasma is made up of water, salts, and different types of proteins. The solid parts contain different types of blood cells including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Fact 3: Blood Functions

Blood is the major connective tissue of our body. It transports oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues. The blood transports the antibodies to fight against the infection and also carries the waste materials from the kidney and liver. It also regulates our body temperature.

Fact 4: Inheritance Is Related With Blood

There are different types of blood types including A, B, AB, or O which is able to say about the blood type of our father and mother. 

Fact 5: Red Blood Corpuscles

Red Blood Corpuscles carry oxygen to our whole body by taking it from the lungs. It also collects the carbon dioxide from the cells and carries it back to the lungs. 

Fact 6: White Blood Corpuscles

The White Blood Corpuscles fight with the infections. Different types of White Blood Cells help our body to fight viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. 

Also Read: Types of Blood cells

Fact 7: Longevity of Red Blood Cells

Red Blood Cells can live for 120 days. There is a respiratory pigment in human blood which is a protein also known as hemoglobin

Fact 8: Healthy Red Blood Cells

Iron-rich foods help us to maintain healthy red blood cells. Vitamins B2, Vitamins B12, and Vitamins B3 are essential for our blood.

Also Read: What are Vitamins?

Fact 9: pH of Blood

The pH of human Blood is around 7.35–7.45. Around 60 percent of human blood consists of plasma and 40 percent is found in the form of blood. 90 percent of the plasma consists of water. 

Fact 10: Human Blood Pressure

The normal blood pressure of a human is 120/80 or lower. It can change in a whole day based on our daily activities. Higher blood pressure may cause so many health problems like stroke, heart attack, and different heart diseases.

Fact 11: Blood Cycle

Each blood cell takes around 60 seconds to complete one cycle in our body. In each heartbeat, our heart can produce 70 milliliters of blood pump. In a normal condition, the human heart bets 70-72 times in a minute.

Functions of Blood

Here are some major functions of the blood as mentioned below. 

Conclusion – Facts About Blood

Blood is a connective tissue of our body that is made up of different liquid and solid components. The blood also transfers the oxygen to our cells and removes the carbon dioxide and water materials from our body. There are different types of blood cells and they play their major roles to balance our body. In this article, we have learned about the different facts of the blood in detail.

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FAQs – Facts About Blood

What is Human Blood Made up of?

Our blood is made up of liquid and solids. The liquid part, called plasma, is made of water, salts, and protein. Over half of your blood is plasma.

How much Blood is in a Human Body?

A newborn baby’s body will contain only around a cup of blood whereas a 150-180 lb. adult will have approximately 1.2-1.5 gallons (or 10 units) of blood in their body.

What are the 3 Types of Blood?

There are 3 types of blood cells – red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

What is 1 Unit of Blood?

The volume of one unit of RBCs contains approximately 200mL red blood cells, 100 mL of an additive solution, and ~30mL plasma, with a hematocrit approximately 55%.

What is WBC?

White blood cells are part of the body’s immune system. They help the body fight infection and other diseases.

What is Platelets?

Platelets are a tiny, disc-shaped piece of cell that is found in the blood and spleen. Platelets are pieces of very large cells in the bone marrow called megakaryocytes.

Why is Blood Red?

Hemoglobin transports oxygen throughout your body. Each hemoglobin molecule includes a protein called heme that contains iron. When iron reacts to oxygen, it becomes red.

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