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What is a Computer?

The computer is an electronic device that is used to generate the output as per the user’s input in a fast, efficient, and effective manner. It performs a sequence of operations, which is operating under the control of instructions stored in its memory. All these instructions will govern the machine.

What is a Computer?

A computer is an electronic device that is designed to process, store, and retrieve information. It can perform a variety of tasks based on instructions provided by a user or a program. Computers have become an essential part of our daily lives, and they are used in various fields such as education, business, entertainment, research, and communication.

History of Computer

How Computer Works?

The motherboard is the most essential part of the computer as it holds the CPU and many primary components together required for processing. A computer receives data through an input unit based on the instructions it is given and once it gets any form of input from the user and then stores all the data on to RAM, Random Access Memory is a computer component where data used by the operating system and software applications are being stored so that the CPU can process them quickly. Everything stored on RAM is lost if the computer is shut off. There is a maximum limit of Random Access Memory(RAM) you will need for the computer to function properly. Now, the CPU will be fetching the data from the RAM process it with the specified instructions, and giving signals out to other components through BUS when the data is ready, it will be sent back through an output device which can be a monitor, speaker, printer, ports, etc. 

Types of Computer

Components of Computer

A computer device is made up of many components which help in its correct functioning and processing. The computer has five fundamental components that help to make data processing easier and more convenient. There are five basic components, including:

Components of Computer

1. Input Unit

The input unit consists of input devices connected to the computer. These devices translate input into binary language that the computer can understand. Some typical input devices include a keyboard, mouse, joystick, and scanner. An Input Unit is formed by connecting one or more input devices to a computer. A user enters data and instructions via input devices such as a keyboard, mouse, etc. The input unit delivers data to the processor for further processing.

2. Central Processing Unit

The processor processes the information that has been fed into the computer by the input device. The CPU is known as the brain of the computer since it acts as the computer’s control center. It first retrieves instructions from memory and interprets them to determine what has to be done. If needed, data is retrieved from memory or an input device. The CPU next executes or does the required computation, after which the output is either stored or shown on the output device. The CPU comprises three primary components which include Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU), and Memory Registers.

3. Output Unit

The output unit consists of output devices connected to the computer. It translates binary data from the CPU to a human-readable form. Common output devices include monitors, printers, plotters, and so on. It is created by connecting the output devices of a computer. The output unit collects information from the CPU and displays it in a user-friendly fashion.

Features of Computer

Computers have emerged as one of the biggest innovations regarding technology. So, it should comprise all the features that boost the speed in terms of calculations and processing, below are some features of the computer:

Applications of Computer

Any Computing device that reduces human effort and performs complex calculations in no time should possess a wide range of applications. At present time, not even a single field can be thought of where computer is not been used. Some of the basic application areas are:

Impact on New Technology

The innovation of this powerful computing device has an impact on the technical world. All the new technologies that are in the marketplace at present time are being developed on the compatibility factor concerning computers. It also has a tremendous impact on the communication process as the level of communication has gone to some other levels all around the globe. 

Advantages of Computer

Disadvantages of Computer

For more details about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer read the published article.

Frequently Asked Question on Computers – FAQs

What is the full form of a Computer?

The full form of computer is Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research. 

What is India’s first Computer?

India’s first computer is  TIFRAC (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Automatic Calculator).

What is the Difference Between Hardware and Software?

The key difference is hardware is the tangible, physical part of a computer system, while software is the collection of instructions and data that operate on the hardware.

How can I Troubleshoot common Computer problems?

The basic troubleshoot steps include restarting the computer, check the attached wires and cables, updates software and runs diagnostics tests.

How can I improve the Performance of my Computer?

Performance of computer can be increased by increasing the RAM, updating required software, remove unused program & files and regularize maintaninence task.

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