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Dynamic initialization of object in C++

In this article, we will discuss the Dynamic initialization of objects using Dynamic Constructors.

Dynamic Constructor:

Dynamic Allocation: 


  1. In the below example, new is used to dynamically initialize the variable in default constructor and memory is allocated on the heap.
  2. The objects of the class geek calls the function and it displays the value of dynamically allocated variable i.e ptr.

Below is the program for dynamic initialization of object using new operator:

// C++ program for dynamic allocation
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class geeks {
    int* ptr;
    // Default constructor
        // Dynamically initializing ptr
        // using new
        ptr = new int;
        *ptr = 10;
    // Function to display the value
    // of ptr
    void display()
        cout << *ptr << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    geeks obj1;
    // Function Call
    return 0;


Dynamic Deallocation:

  1. In the below code, delete is used to dynamically free the memory.
  2. The contents of obj1 are overwritten in the object obj2 using assignment operator, then obj1 is deallocated by using delete operator.

Below is the code for dynamic deallocation of the memory using delete operator.

// C++ program to dynamically
// deallocating the memory
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class geeks {
    int* ptr;
    // Default constructor
        ptr = new int;
        *ptr = 10;
    // Function to display the value
    void display()
        cout << "Value: " << *ptr
             << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Dynamically allocating memory
    // using new operator
    geeks* obj1 = new geeks();
    geeks* obj2 = new geeks();
    // Assigning obj1 to obj2
    obj2 = obj1;
    // Function Call
    // Dynamically deleting the memory
    // allocated to obj1
    delete obj1;
    return 0;

Value: 10
Value: 10

Below C++ program is demonstrating dynamic initialization of objects and calculating bank deposit:

// C++ program to illustrate the dynamic
// initialization as memory is allocated
// to the object
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class bank {
    int principal;
    int years;
    float interest;
    float returnvalue;
    // Default constructor
    bank() {}
    // Parameterized constructor to
    // calculate interest(float)
    bank(int p, int y, float i)
        principal = p;
        years = y;
        interest = i/100;
        returnvalue = principal;
        cout << "\nDeposited amount (float):";
        // Finding the interest amount
        for (int i = 0; i < years; i++) {
            returnvalue = returnvalue
                          * (1 + interest);
    // Parameterized constructor to
    // calculate interest(integer)
    bank(int p, int y, int i)
        principal = p;
        years = y;
        interest = float(i)/100;
        returnvalue = principal;
        cout << "\nDeposited amount"
             << " (integer):";
        // Find the interest amount
        for (int i = 0; i < years; i++) {
            returnvalue = returnvalue
                          * (1 + interest);
    // Display function
    void display(void)
        cout << returnvalue
             << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Variable initialization
    int p = 200;
    int y = 2;
    int I = 5;
    float i = 2.25;
    // Object is created with
    // float parameters
    bank b1(p, y, i);
    // Function Call with object
    // of class
    // Object is created with
    // integer parameters
    bank b2(p, y, I);
    // Function Call with object
    // of class
    return 0;


Deposited amount (float):209.101

Deposited amount (integer):220.5

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