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DXC Technology Interview Experience (On-campus)

DXC conducted its virtual hiring drive on our campus in the month of August for the 2024 passing out batch (final year students) . Its all process was totally virtual.

The whole process consists of: –

Selection Criteria:-

B.Tech % : 60 XIIth % : 60 Xth % : 60 Current Backlogs : 0

Online Assessment

The online assessment for DXC Technology was conducted at the AMCAT-SHL platform. It consisted of six sections.

Section name

No of questions

1. English


2. Logical Reasoning


3. Quantitative Aptitude


4. Computer Programming MCQs


5. Automata Fix (Basic pseudo code type questions)


6.Essay Writing(Write X)(200-500 words)


I was able to attempt this section with hope and was shortlisted for the second round, which was the Technical+HR Round.(Candidates were asked to submit their resume in DXC Format with this test).

Technical+HR Round 1 :-

This round was also held virtually in which all shortlisted appeared for the interview on their specified dates.It was also held on the SHL platform in which they having queue system in which we have to wait for long time for our turn to come.

Time passes and queue counter reaches to 0 and my turn came and I entered the virtual meeting room.

After some days result was announced and I was rejected , I don’t know why because I had answered each and every question confidently in the interview and interviewer was also quite satisfied with my answer.

Now the ones who were shortlisted for the round 2(Technical + HR) appeared for the interview after some days and currently its the month of October they had appeared in August last week and the results are still awaited.

Hope it will be helpful to other aspirants.

Best wishes to all.

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