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Draw Sudan Flag using MATLAB

In Digital image processing, a colored image is represented in a 3-Dimensional matrix. Image can be represented in various color models such as RGB (Red, Green, Blue) model, HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) model, YIQ (Luminance-Inphase Quadrature) model, CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) model. Generally, an image is represented in the RGB model. The first channel of the matrix is Red, the second channel is the Green and the third channel is Blue.

Approach to draw Sudan Flag:

Implementation is given below:

% MATLAB code to draw Sudan flag
% initialising a zero matrix of 300X600X3
img=uint8(zeros(300, 600, 3));
img(:, :, :)=255;
%Red Color
img(1:100, 151:600, 1)=210;
img(1:100, 151:600, 2)=16;
img(1:100, 151:600, 3)=42;
%black Color 
img(200:300, 150:600, :)=0;
% Lower Triangle
for i=1:150
    for j=1:150
            img(i, j, 1)=0;
            img(i, j, 2)=114;
            img(i, j, 3)=41;
            img(i, j, 1)=210;
            img(i, j, 2)=16;
            img(i, j, 3)=42;
% Upper Triangle
for i=150:300
    for j=1:150
            img(i, j, 1)=0;
            img(i, j, 2)=114;
            img(i, j, 3)=41;
            img(i, j, :)=0;            
% displaying the matrix as image
figure, imshow(img);

Output :

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