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Difference between ZumoDrive and Ubuntu One

1. ZumoDrive :
ZumoDrive was a file hosting service, file synchronization service and cloud-based file storage service which was originally provided by Zecter Incorporation but was later owned by Motorola Mobility. It was developed by Zecter Inc. It was suitable for Windows, macOS, iOS, webOS, Linux and Android. It offered 2 GB free storage space which was expandable up to 500 GB for paid. It was launched in 2009.

2. Ubuntu One :
Ubuntu One was a file hosting service, file synchronization service and cloud service which was provided by Canonical Limited. It was an OpenID based single sign-on service. It provided services for storing files on cloud and also streaming of music from cloud. It was developed by Canonical Ltd. It was suitable for Windows, OS X, iOS, Ubuntu and Android. It offered 5 GB free storage space. It was launched in 2009.

Difference between ZumoDrive and Ubuntu One :

Originally owned by Zecter Incorporation but was later owned by Motorola Mobility. It was owned by Canonical Limited.
It was launched in 2009. It was also launched in 2009.
It offered 2 GB free storage space. It offered 5 GB free storage space.
It was developed by Zecter Inc. It was developed by Canonical Ltd.
It was suspended in 2012. This service was suspended in 2014.
It had freeware version. It also had freeware version.
Files stored here were encrypted. Files stored in Ubuntu One were not encrypted.
It was a file hosting and commercial file synchronization service. It was a commercial file synchronization service.
It was supported by Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, iOS and Palm webOS. It was supported by Windows, OS X, Android, Ubuntu and iOS.

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