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Difference between $var and $$var in PHP

In PHP, $var is used to store the value of the variable like Integer, String, boolean, character. $var is a variable and $$var stores the value of the variable inside it.



$variable = value;

Example 1: This example stores and displays values with $.

       // String value
       $value1 = "hello Geeks";  
    // Display string value
    echo $value1
    echo "<br/>";
    // Boolean value
    $value2 = true;       
    // Display boolean value
    echo $value2;  
    echo "<br/>";
    // Integer value
    $value3 = 34;    
    // Display integer value
    echo $value3
    echo "<br/>";

hello Geeks<br/>1<br/>34<br/>

$$var: $$var stores the value of $variable inside it.


$variable = "value";  
$$variable = "new_value";

We can get another value by using the $value of the first variable.

Example 2: PHP program to demonstrates $$var.

      // String value
      $value1 = "hello";  
       // Display string value
      echo $value1
      echo "\n";
      // Store another string in $$var
      $$value1 = "Hello php";
    // Access another string using
    // value of $var
      echo "$hello";

Hello php

Difference between Both: The variable $var is used to store the value of the variable and the variable $$val is used to store the reference of the variable.

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