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Difference between Squarespace and WordPress

In this article, we will see what Squarespace & WordPress is, along with knowing their features, advantages & disadvantages & the basic difference between them.

Squarespace: It is a free website builder tool designed to build a website even if you don’t know how to build the website. Square space supports the power of pre-built templates that you can then customize to make your personal website according to your needs. Squarespace allows you to simply build the landing page, Blog website, or online store just by drag and drop method where you don’t need to know the coding, & also allows you to share, what you are passionate about to share with the world through your website. The website that is built using Squarespace, supports both mobile and desktop friendly.





WordPress: It is a free & open-source software powerful Content Management System (CMS) that allows you to fully customize your blog, online store, and many more websites of different categories. We can use predefined themes without the need for much more coding knowledge. WordPress can manage any type of website with an offer of full customizations. WordPress uses plugins to add more functionality to your website it offers you thousands of plugins for free. you can easily make an e-commerce website through WordPress. It is more popular with bloggers as it gives full customization features and flexibility to your website.




Difference between WordPress vs Squarespace:

S.No. WordPress Squarespace
1. It is a Content Management System. It is a Website Builder.
2. It is a more powerful platform able to manage any type of website. It is comfortable for beginners, having less functionality than WordPress.
3. You can build a large website with the help of WordPress. You can only build medium or small websites.
4. WordPress can manage a large amount of data. You can not manage large data like WordPress.
5. It is fully flexible and customizable. It is easier but less flexible.
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