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Difference between Queue and Deque in C++

Queue: A Queue is a linear data structure that follows a First In First Out (FIFO) order in which the operations are performed. It is a type of container adaptor where elements are inserted into one end of the container and deleted from the other.



queue <data_type> q

Below is the program to illustrate the same:

// C++ program to demonstrate the
// working of queue
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Declare a queue
    queue<int> q;
    // Insert elements in the queue
    // Delete elements from the queue
    cout << "Elements in Queue are: ";
    // Print the element stored
    // in queue
    while (!q.empty()) {
        cout << q.front() << ' ';
        // Pop the front element
    return 0;

Elements in Queue are: 15 1


Deque: Deque is a sequence container with the ability of expansion and contraction on both ends. It is a template of Standard Template Library or STL in C++is. It is similar to vectors but are more efficient for the insertion and deletion of elements. Contiguous storage allocation in deque may not be guaranteed as in vectors.



deque<data_type> dq

Below is the program to illustrate the same:

// C++ program to demonstrate the
// working of deque
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Declare a deque
    deque<int> dq;
    // Insert element in the front
    // Delete elements from the front
    // Insert elements in the back
    // Delete elements from the back
    cout << "Elements in deque are: ";
    // Print the element stored
    // in deque
    while (!dq.empty()) {
        cout << " " << dq.front();
    return 0;

Elements in deque are:  10 1


Below is the tabular difference between the queue and deque:




1 Insertion can be done through the rear end only. Insertion is possible through both ends.
2 Deletion of elements is possible through the front end only. Deletion of elements possible through both ends.
3 Elements can not be accessed through iterators. Elements can be accessed through iterators.
4 Implemented as container adaptors. Implemented generally as some form of a dynamic array.
5 The stack can not be implemented using a queue. A stack can be implemented using deque.

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