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Difference Between LRU and FIFO Page Replacement Algorithms in Operating System

Page replacement algorithms are used in operating systems to manage memory effectively. Page replacement algorithms are essential in operating systems for efficient memory management. These algorithms select which memory pages should be changed when a new page is brought. Least Recently Used (LRU) and First-In-First-Out (FIFO) are two popular page replacement algorithms.

LRU (Least Recently Used)

FIFO (First-In-First-Out)


Differences LRU FIFO
Principle Replaces the least recently used page Replaces the oldest page in memory
Data Structure Requires additional data structure for tracking page usage order No additional data structure required
Performance Performs better in reducing page faults May not always provide optimal performance
Access Pattern Sensitivity Sensitive to the access pattern of pages Not sensitive to the access pattern
Implementation Complexity Relatively more complex to implement Simple to implement


Finally, the LRU and FIFO page replacement algorithms provide distinct strategies for memory management in operating systems. LRU prioritizes replacing the most recently used page while accounting for the temporal locality of page accesses. It requires additional data structure to keep track of page usage and, in general, performs better in terms of decreasing page faults. FIFO replaces the oldest page in memory on a first-in-first-out basis. It does not take into account the frequency of page usage and doesn’t require additional data structures. FIFO, on the other hand, may not always deliver ideal performance.

FAQs – LRU vs FIFO Page Replacement Algorithms

Q.1: What does LRU stand for in page replacement algorithms?


LRU stands for “Least Recently Used.”

Q.2: What does FIFO stand for in page replacement algorithms?


FIFO stands for “First-In-First-Out.”

Q.3: How does LRU determine which page to replace?


LRU replaces the least recently used page based on its access history.

Q.4: How does FIFO decide which page to replace?


FIFO replaces the oldest page in memory, which entered first.

Q.5: Which algorithm typically performs better in reducing page faults?


LRU algorithm typically performs better in reducing page faults compared to FIFO.

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