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Difference Between Humans and Animals

Both humans and animals are living things. They are part of the Animalia kingdom. The capacity to move, reproduce sexually, and react to their environment are just a few of their many shared traits. Humans and other animals differ greatly in many ways, including their level of intelligence, brain capacity, origin, food habits, digestive system, locomotion, use of tools and technology, Use of language for communication, and their cultural practices. 

General Features of Human

General Features of Animals

Difference between Human and Animal 




Brain The human brain has a highly complex structure with billions of neurons and trillions of synapses, making it the largest (1.2 kg) relative to body size of any animal on earth. It is believed that this complexity is what gives humans their exceptional capacity for abstract thought, logical reasoning, and sophisticated social behavior. Animal brains have developed specialized areas that are adapted to their particular needs in terms of environment and behavior. Birds, for instance, have highly developed areas of the brain that are involved in visual and auditory processing. 
Complex thought Humans are capable of making complex decisions, planning, and problem-solving because of their highly developed prefrontal cortex.  While some animals, like dolphins and primates, have shown the capacity to solve complex problems, but they do not share human beings’ capacity for abstract thought.
Language skill Only humans are known to possess a fully formed language system that enables sophisticated communication and abstract thought.  Even though some animals, like birds and primates, have shown the ability to use and comprehend gestures and symbols, their language systems are not as sophisticated as those of humans.
Locomotion For the most part, humans move by walking on two legs, or bipedally. Our distinct evolutionary history has led to the evolution of bipedalism, which is a distinguishing characteristic of humans. Humans can move around on two feet effectively over long distances, freeing up their hands for other tasks like using tools. Depending on their anatomy and environment, animals move in a variety of ways. Following are a few examples of typical animal locomotion such as flying, crawling, burrowing, standing on four legs etc.

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