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Difference Between Cougar and Panther

Cougar vs Panther – Cougar and Panther are terms used to describe big cats. Cougars are found only in North and South America, while panthers can be found in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Both belong to the same Family Felidae but are considered two generations.

In this article, you will learn about the distinct features of cougar and panther, difference between them, and the similarities they share.

What is a Cougar?

Cougar is scientifically known as Puma. It is an indigenous feline species found in both South and North America. They mostly live in the mountainous regions.

Cougars is the fourth largest cat in the world. Cougars are very agile and possess a slender physique. An average adult male cougar is approximately 75 centimeters tall and measures around 2.75 meters from nose to tail base. Their overall body weight is between 50 and 100 kilograms. Cougars tend to be larger in temperate regions and smaller near the equator.

The cougar’s coloration is relatively straightforward. They have a nearly uniform distribution of a yellowish-brown coat, with a whiter belly adorned with slightly darker patches. Occasionally, the coat may have a silvery-greyish or reddish hue, lacking complex stripes. Cougar cubs and adolescents display a varied coloration with spots.


What is a Panther?

Panthers include various large feline species like jaguars and leopards. The term “panther” is commonly used for individuals with melanism within the Panthera genus.

These species differ a lot in their looks, environments, and geographical ranges from both each other and the cougar. While panthers are typically associated with a black coat, they can also be found in white, thanks to a genetic mutation in their chromosomes. This mutation can turn any big cat with altered coloring into a panther, and the specific species and traits may vary depending on the location.

Black cougars or pumas are often referred to as panthers, but solid evidence for black pumas is still lacking. The likelihood of leopards undergoing color mutations is relatively high, with approximately one panther for every five leopards. Consequently, panthers are often synonymous with leopards.

Albino panthers, known for their white coloration, result from various factors like albinism, reduced pigmentation, or the chinchilla mutation. Despite lacking visible spots or rosettes on their skin, a close inspection might reveal faded rosettes..


Difference Between Cougar and Panther

Cougar and Panther are two distinct species of large cats. They have essential similarities in their physical characteristics and hunting behaviors. They both have strong feline bodies, exhibit territorial and solitary hunting tendencies, and possess sharp claws and formidable jaws. Operating primarily during the night, they reveal adept hunting skills in low-light conditions. But they are still very different.

Here are the main points of difference between a Cougar and a Panther, on the basis of Distribution, appearance, weight, features, genus, roar etc:

Main Distinguishing Features – Cougar vs Panther





Cougars live in North and South America.

Panthers are found in in Asia, Africa, and Americas.


Cougars belong to the Puma genus.

Panther is of the Panthera genus.


They have tan to brown fur without spots.

They have dark brown to black fur.

Weight of an Adult Male

They weigh around 200 lbs.

They weigh around 350 lbs.

Conservation Status

They fall under least concerned status.

They are a threatened species.


They live up to 10-20 years.

They live up to 12-15 years.

Distinctive Features

They have powerful front arms, large hind paws, and a muscular jaw.

They have bright emerald green eyes.


They do not have a terrifying roar.

They have a terrifying roar.

Hind paw

They have larger hind paws.

They have smaller hind paws.

Similarities Between Cougar and Panther

The cougar and panther, although belonging to distinct big cat species, possess numerous foundational similarities in their traits and behaviors. Both display a sturdy feline physique characterized by muscular bodies, showcasing their adeptness as carnivorous predators.

Both Cougar and Panther are recognized for their territorial tendencies and inclination toward solitary hunting. With sharp claws and formidable jaws, they demonstrate proficiency as hunters, capable of subduing prey larger than themselves.

Being nocturnal creatures, both species frequently exhibit heightened activity during the night, showcasing their adept hunting skills in the darkness.

Conclusion – Cougar versus Panther

Cougar and Panther are two distinct species of large cats with many dissimilarities. In this article, we learnt about cougar and panther, where they originated from, their genus, habitat, lifespan, difference between them, and the similarities they share.

FAQs on Cougar and Panther Dissimilarities

1. Which family do Cougars and Panthers belong to?

Both Cougars and Panthers are members of the Felidae family.

2. Do Cougars possess the ability to climb trees?

Yes, Cougars are adept at both running and climbing trees.

3. What is the Conservation status of Panthers?

Panthers are categorized as a species facing threats to conservation.

4. Are Panthers active during the night?

Yes, Panthers are creatures of the night, being both solitary and nocturnal.

5. What is the primary habitat of Cougars?

Cougars primarily inhabit grasslands, but they are also found in various other environments like swamps, forests, mountains, and deserts.

6. Can a panther breed with a cougar?

Yes, panthers and cougars can breed. In fact, breeding Florida panthers with Texas cougars has helped the Florida panther population rebound.

7. How big is a cougar?

Cougars are the second largest cat in the New World. They can be 5–9 ft long from head to tail, and weigh 70–250 lbs. Adult males are about 1/3 larger than females.

8. Why is a cougar called a Florida panther?

The Florida panther was originally called the Florida panther, which is why the term “panther” is used for cougars.

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