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Diagram of Plasma Membrane

The diagram of plasma membrane shows the visual representation of the structure of the plasma membrane. The plasma membrane or the cell membrane is a semi-permeable structure that maintains cell integrity and controls the passage of materials in and out of the cell. The diagram of plasma membrane class 9 and class 12 are often asked in the examinations.

The diagram of plasma membrane labeled is given below:

Diagram of Plasma Membrane

Description of Plasma Membrane

The plasma membrane forms the boundary of the cell that ensures that the internal environment of the cell is separated from the external environment outside the cell. The plasma membrane ensures that only the desired ions and nutrients come inside the cell and the waste materials go out. The plasma membrane is made of a lipid bi-layer that has proteins embedded in it. This structure is well explained by the fluid mosaic model given by Singer and Nicolson. With the help of a diagram of cell membrane, the arrangement of the phospholipids, and proteins in the fluid mosaic-like formation can be observed and studied.

Structure of Plasma Membrane

The structure of the plasma membrane is explained by the help of the fluid mosaic model. It shows plasma membrane is a dynamic structure that consists of the fluid-like lipid bilayer embedded with proteins in a mosaic manner. This arrangement ensures that the structure is flexible for the movement of substances through it and is capable of adapting to changing conditions. The movement of only the desired substances from the structure is called its nature of selective permeability. This nature and structure of the membrane is due to the presence of the following components;

Functions of Plasma Membrane

The simple diagram of plasma membrane shows its structure which makes it easy to understand the functions as well. Following are some of the important functions of the plasma membrane;

Conclusion – Diagram of Plasma Membrane

With the help of the diagram of plasma membrane, we are capable of understanding its structure and its various components. This knowledge enables us to determine what are the main functions of the plasma membrane like its role as a barrier, its selective permeability, its role in cell-to-cell adhesion and signalling, etc. In general, the labeled diagram of cell membrane gives us a pictorial representation of the plasma membrane so that we can relate its functions to its structure.

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FAQs on Diagram of Plasma Membrane

Why is it called Plasma Membrane?

The inner components of a living cell are called the protoplasm or plasma and the biological membrane that contains these components is known as plasma membrane.

What are the Components of the Plasma Membrane?

The main components are the lipid bilayer, integral proteins, peripheral proteins, cholesterol molecules, glycoproteins, and glycolipids.

What is Plasma Membrane Short Definition?

The plasma membrane is a semi-permeable lipid bilayered structure that forms the outer boundary of all types of cells.

What is a Plasma Membrane with Diagram?

A plasma membrane with a diagram is the pictorial representation of the plasma membrane of the cell with all its parts or components well labelled for depiction.

Who Discovered Plasma Membrane?

In the late 1600s, Robert Hooke observed the very rudimentary version of the plasma membrane with his microscope.

Where can I Find the Diagram of Plasma Membrane with the Help of Labelling?

You can find the simple diagram of plasma membrane labeled at the top of this article.

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