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Diagram of Cardiac Muscles

The diagram of cardiac muscle shows the thick middle layer (myocardium) between the outer layer of the heart wall (the pericardium) and the inner layer (the endocardium). The diagram of cardiac muscle class 9 is often asked in the examinations. This muscle is crucial for pumping blood throughout the body and ensures oxygen and nutrients reach all the tissues and organs.

The diagram of cardiac muscle labeled is given below:

Diagram of Cardiac Muscle

Structure of Cardiac Muscle

The labeled diagram of cardiac muscles shows its structure consisting of following points:

Properties of Cardiac Muscle

Conclusion – Diagram of Cardiac Muscle

Cardiac muscle tissue is a specialized, that only exist in the heart. It is responsible for pumping and circulating the blood around the body. The diagram of cardiac tissue shows the presence of a single nucleus along with the sarcomere which contains the contractile proteins (actin, myosin, tropomyosin and troponin). These proteins help in the contraction and relaxation. Cardiac muscle tissue contains cells that expand and contracts in response to electrical impulses from the nervous system. These cells work together to produce the rhythmic, wave like contractions.

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FAQs on Diagram of Cardiac Muscle

What is Cardiac Muscles Diagram Class 9?

The cardiac muscle diagram illustrates the structure and organization of muscle fibers in the heart, showcasing features like intercalated discs, striations, and the branching pattern of cardiac muscle cells.

Is Cardiac Muscles Diagram Class 11 Important for Exams?

Yes. Learning the cardiac muscles diagram in class 11 is crucial for exams as it provides a detailed idea about the structure and functioning of the heart.

What is Myocardium?

Myocardium forms the thick middle layer of the heart while the inner layer is called endocardium and the outer layer is called pericardium.

What are Intercalated Discs?

The cardiomyocytes are interconnected by the intercalated discs to form a single functional cardiac syncytium and help in the rapid transmission of electrical impulses.

What are T-Tubule?

These are called as transverse tubules, present at the boundary of the A and I band , in the space between the two SR ( sarcoplasmic reticulum).

How are Cardiac Muscles Arranged?

These are arranged in the form of branched cellular network in the heart with the help of intercalated disc.

What are the 3 Types of Cardiac Muscles?

The three types of cardiac muscles are atrial muscle, ventricular muscle, and conducting muscle fibers.

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