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Structure and Functions of Heart

The human heart is life for humans because without a heart they cannot even live. Blood transportation over the body is done by the heart itself and also air transportation from the environment to the lungs is done by the heart. The average heartbeat in a day is 100,000 times. Male heart weight is about approximately 340 grams whereas female heart weight is approximately 280 grams. The human heart pumps blood around 60000 to 7,5000 liters in a day through the body.

What is a Human Heart?

The heart is an internal organ that is located in between the lungs in the thoracic cavity in humans. The main function of the heart is to control the flow of blood throughout the body for each part. In humans, the heart has four chambers. Those four chambers are given below.

Diagram of Human Heart

The labelled diagram of Human heart is shown below:

Structure of the Human Heart

The human heart is a muscular organ that plays a important role in blood circulation throughout the body, providing oxygen and nutrients to each cells while removing waste products. Human heart consists of several chambers and valves that work together to ensure proper blood flow in the body. Here’s an overview of the structure of the human heart:


Atria are two types. They are the right atrium and left atrium. These are called the upper chambers of the heart.


Ventricles are muscular chamber, larger in size. Ventricles are responsible for pumping blood out from the heart. Ventricle are of of two types, right ventricle and left ventricle. These are called the lower chambers of the heart.

Position of Human Heart in the body

The human heart is located between the lungs in the thoracic cavity and its little bit towards the left of the sternum which is derived from the embryonic mesodermal germ layer.

Evolution of Heart

The heart was coined by William Harvey. In the fourth century B.C, Aristotle identifies the heart as one of the most crucial organs in the human body. Aristotle was a Greek philosopher. The heart receives blood from the vein and then pumps it to all organs through arteries. The heart is a four-chambered organ. It is in-between the lungs. Each chamber has its own specialty. 

External Structure of the Heart

A fluid-filled cavity which enclosed the human heart and is located to the left side of the chest, this cavity is called as pericardial cavity. The pericardial cavity walls and lining are made up of a membrane which is called as pericardium. Pericardium is the external covering of the heart, it produce a serous fluid which act as the lubricant for the heart and protects the heart. It is the first structure which is observed first when the external structure is viewed. Pericardium has two layers:

  1. Visceral layer: It directly attached to the heart.
  2. Parietal layer: It is a sac like structure which is present around the outer region of the heart.

Structure of the Heart Wall

The wall of the heart is made of three layers: epicardium, myocardium and endocardium.

  1. Epicardium: It is the outermost layer of the heart which is composed of a thin-layer membrane which act as lubricant and protect the outer section of the heart.
  2. Myocardium: It is the middle layer of the heart which is of muscle tissue layer. It is a thick layer and and participates in the pumping action.
  3. Endocardium: It is the inner layer which lines the inner heart chambers and covers the heart valves.

Internal structure of the Heart

Internal structure of the heart has several chambers and valves which controls the blood flow. The heart is a four-chambered organ in the humans.

Four chambers are two atria and two ventricles. Arteries are used for receiving blood from the body whereas two ventricles are used for pumping purpose of blood to all body parts. 

The function of the Four chambers

Chambers in the heart act like doorsteps to open the valve or close the valve based on the functions of chambers. Four chambers have a four-valve is used to distinguish the oxygen-rich blood from deoxygenated blood. Chambers of the heart are made of muscles allowing the heart their contract and then it forms a beat called a heartbeat. The flow of blood in our body is a cycle that follows

human body—–>heart——> lungs——->heart——–> human body.

Right Atrium

The right atrium takes all the deoxygenated blood from our body. Deoxygenated blood means blood has low oxygen. That deoxygenated blood enters through two large veins which are called superior vena cava. This right atrium passed the blood next chamber called the right ventricle.

Left Atrium

The left atrium takes all the oxygenated blood for our body. We have two atriums the right atrium holds oxygen-poor blood whereas the left atrium holds oxygen-rich blood. This left atrium sends this oxygen-rich blood through the mitral valve to the left ventricle.

Right Ventricle

Deoxygenated blood in the right atrium is entered through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. The function of the right ventricle is pumping blood through the pulmonary valve into pulmonary arteries and it came out to our lungs. In the lungs, blood takes oxygen to nourish. After this blood travels from pulmonary veins and gives back to the left atrium.

Left Ventricle

The left ventricle is the last chamber of the heart. The function of the left ventricle is to pump the blood through our aortic valve this is why it travels throughout the body.


Valves that help in the flow of blood from one chamber to another chamber:

The heartbeat of different aged people is tabled below

Age of a human being Heartbeat
Newborn baby 120-160 beats per minute
5 months baby 90-150 beats per minute
6-12 months baby 80-140 beats per minute
1- 3 years 80-130 beats per minute
3- 5 years 80-120 beats per minute
6-10 years 70-110 beats per minute
11-14 years 60-105 beats per minute
15+ age 60-100 beats per minute

Function of Human Heart

Function of human heart are as follows:

Facts about Human Heart

Some interesting facts about Human heart are:

FAQs on Human Heart

1. What are the essential needs for a healthy heart? Explain.


There are 7 types of important essentials when come to vitamins. They are.

  • Folate
  • Inositol
  • Coenzyme CoQ10
  • Vitamin D
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Magnesium
  • Grape seed extract

Vegetables, walnuts, and herbs are healthier for the heart.

2. Is the heart can be able to transplant from one body to another for human beings. Explain


Yes, we can able to transplant heart from one human being to another human being. The donor requires a suitable heart without any disease. The donor has the same blood as the patient needs to transplant.

3. Is it possible to transplant an animal heart to a human being. Explain


Yes, it is possible to transplant animal hearts to human beings. This transplantation is not for long years to live for human beings.

4. Is it possible having three chambers in the heart. Explain.


No, it is not possible having a heart with three chambers. A heart with four chambers has a proper order of opening and closing. If one chamber in the heart fails or it is disabled then there occurs a problem in the flowing of blood to all the parts of the body.

5. Which animal heart is stronger that leads to a long life? 


The blue whale has the strongest heart which pumps 58 gallons of blood throughout the body. Blue whales around them lack predators. This is the reason the blue whale lives long.

6. Depletion of what kind of vitamin leads to losing more blood? Explain.


Depletion of Vitamin K leads to losing more blood. If there is an injury occurred on the skin heart detects the injury. If the vitamin K in the blood is enough then there is no chance of losing blood.

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